Effan Adhiwira, Yu Sing, and Yori Antar while presenting their materials to the participants of the Architecture National Seminar 2016

Denpasar - Sunday (25/02), Student Association of Architecture Engineering Program Udayana University held a national seminar entitled "The Condition of Artisans and Local Geniuses in Indonesia" at Agrokomplek Building, Sudirman Campus.

In addition to realizing the Himaprodi’s (Study Program Student’s Assembly) work program, this activity was aimed at providing insight to the youths, especially students majoring in architectures to understand Indonesia's natural potentials in the future prospect of architecture and carpentry.

About 200 participants came and attended the 2018 Architecture National Seminar consisting of high school and university students. There were also national speakers who are very inspiring. They were Effan Adhiwira, the owner of EFF Studio, Yu Sing, founder of Akonama Studio, and Yori Antar, the Design Management Director at Han Awal & Partners ltd.

Effan Adhiwira is a graduate architect from Gajah Mada University which has important roles towards bamboo architecture. One of his most famous works is Bale Kul-kul Bambu at Green School. According to Effan, bamboo is one of the Indonesian local wealth or resources that have an extraordinary value in architecture world. He once made a three-story building with bamboo as the basic material. Effan also said that in dealing with his projects he always uses local natural materials that available around. Moreover, he always involves local, Balinese craftsmen in completing his project with the purpose of providing learning spaces. Even greater, some of the craftsmen who have helped him today have their own business such as furniture from rattan woven.

"If I work on my project, I always minimize the purchase of material from abroad, moreover now concretes become the trend; every building is built by concretes today. Why do not we use the natural wealth of this archipelago, with ideas of creativity as the capital, natural materials can be used as building materials. If we look into the past, all of these traditional houses use natural materials. They are safe and not affected by floods, "explained Effan.

Almost similar to Effan, Yu Sing, an architect from Bandung, in addition to having attention in the development of local archipelago architecture, he also has a great attention and commitment to the field of architecture and social environment. With his studio, Akanominya, Yu Sing has attracted a lot of attention. Yu Sing and his colleagues have helped to provide free designs and home improvements to people who cannot afford them.

"Because I think that architecture is for all; it doesn’t know upper, middle or lower classes. Together with my community, we help people who cannot afford both in design and improvement with the typical local designs where the houses are located, "said Yu Sing.

The last speaker was Yori Antar. Yori Antar is one of the architects that are very concerned with the preservation of the traditional houses of the archipelago. Because, according to him, the architects of the future are the architects who have values of local wisdom or cultural identity.

"The field of architecture continues to grow dynamically, but the most important thing is how we can preserve it, preserving its authenticity without leaving any progress. Because it is an identity; if we leave it, it will be lost. "He said. (Ism)