Discussion on Journalism and Agricultural Sector with LPM Khlorofil

The situation at the end of the discussion is marked with taking a picture together.


Denpasar, (24/9) Student Press Agency of Faculty of Agriculture ie LPM Khlorofil held a Journalistic Discussion every year. The topics discussed are the phenomenon of Journalism and Current Agriculture. The following speakers are Kadek Agus Mahardika as the Founder of Bali Farmers, I Wayan Sui Suadnyana as general chairman of LPM Khlorofil 2016-2017.

Located at the Faculty of Agriculture Experimental Garden, this discussion is aimed at new members as well as a forum for the introduction of new members and board of LPM Khlorofil 2017-2018 without eliminating the origin of the alma mater of Faculty of Agriculture. The number of participants who attended about 12 people was accompanied by 17 people LPM Khlorofil management.

According to one of the speakers, Sui Suadnyana explained about the linkage of Journalism and agriculture that field of agriculture is often a marginalized sector, with problems that grow up, the effort doing by journalism.

The purpose of this exercise, through the campus journalists, are able to bring about changes in the field of agricultural ideology that is highlighted and not underestimated.

"Hopefully, it can bring up the souls of young journalists more critical about the agricultural sector, not only can criticize but can provide solutions." explained by Nolly Kurnyanti as Chief LPM Leader of khlorofil 2017-2018. (khania)