Denpasar - Udayana University participated in the Pameran Pembangunan 2017 (Development Fair) at Taman Budaya Art Center Denpasar. The exhibition was organized by the Communication, Informatics and Statistics Office of Bali Province which was attended by 162 participants from government, regional, BUMN, BUMD, PTN, PTS and craftsmen. The purpose of exhibition was to convey messages and information from the government, media information development results, educational media and as a material evaluation and accountability of government activities. The exhibition was opened Monday (14/08/2017) by the Governor of Bali. The exhibition will run for 10 days from 14 - 23 August 2017..

(Opening of Bali Provincial Development Exhibition by Bali Governor Made Mangku Pastika)

The Governor of Bali, Made Mangku Pastika in his speech conveyed the exhibition held every year as a strategic vehicle to socialize programs and development results to the community. Furthermore, Made Mangku Pastika conveyed the society must be given a picture of what the government has done. In addition, through the exhibition can be used as media evaluation of the community against the results of development. The exhibition is expected to build community participation and provide information that is packaged in a practical and interesting about development.

Udayana University as in previous years also participated in the exhibition, this time the location of Udayana University exhibition booth was inside Ksirarnawa Building. The material displayed by Unud at this exhibition were (1). Results of the newly renewable energy assessment of CORE in the form of posters, videos and other related materials; (2). Result of Desulfurization and Packaging of Biogas in Tube conducted by Prof. Dr. Tjok Gde Tirta Nindhia, ST, MT. M.Eng; (3) UKM Robotec Unud in Developing & Implementing Science and Technology in the World of Robotics; (4). UPT Lontar presented technological linkage related to lontar; Including lontar digitalization, lontar demonstrations, designs, combining with various fields and developing trends, and lontar literature; And (5). UKM Arts by featuring choirs, regional dances and music.

In addition, information related to the material in the form of research books from Unud and information from various faculties in Udayana University. For visitors who stop at the stand of Unud can get an interesting souvenir as long as there is still available.(PR)

(Udayana University Exhibition Stand)

(Vice Rector IV while visiting Udayana University exhibition stand)