Nationality dialogue with Major General TNI (Punawirawan) Wisnu Bawa Tanaya, Major Kap. Suprapto, S.Ag, and Drs.H.Sayfudin Zaini, M.Pdi.

Denpasar - Sunday (18/06), The raising of issues concerning the problem of nationalism and the dissolution of radical organization in Indonesia, Badan Koordinasi Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam Bali Nusra held a national seminar entitled “Nasionalisme Menolak Hisbu Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), Memperkokoh Pancasila dan Merawat Kebhinekaan” in Shunda Hotel, Jalan Bedahulu VII, Gatsu Denpasar.

The event took place from 4 pm to 6 pm and was attended by students from various universities such as Udayana University, Undiksha, Denpasar Islamic High School (STAID), IKIP PGRI Bali, and some campus organizations such as the Islamic Student Association (HMI) Islamic Action Unity (KAMI), Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Islam (KAMI), Pergerakan Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia (PMII), Persatuan Mahasiswa Kristen Indonesia (PMKRI) as well as Pemuda Islam Bali.

Rizal Maulana as chairman of the committee said that this activity is not only as a dialogue event but also a decision of HMI's rejection of intolerant organizations such as HTI, especially with the government's actions that also attempt to dissolve radical organizations such as HTI.

Rejecting declaration of HTI by the Secretary of Badan Koordinasi Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam Bali Nusra who accompanied by the speakers of nationality dialogue

Hendri Indriawan as the secretary of BADKO HMI Bali Nusra firmly reject the intolerant organization that want to divide the Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, especially for the mass organizations that want to change the ideology of Pancasila into a khilafah state.

After dialogue with the three speakers; Major General (Punawirawan) Wishnu Bawa Tanaya, Major Kap. Suprapto, S.Ag, and Drs.H.Sayfudin Zaini, M.Pdi., secretary of Badko HMI Bali Nusra accompanied by the three speakers, read the declaration of rejection of HTI organization containing 1) Collectively maintaining the unity of Republic of Indonesia, NKRI on the basis of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, 2) Badko HMI Bali Nusra supports the government in dissolving HTI, 3) Badko HMI Bali Nusra rejects mass organizations that opposed to Pancasila and 1945 Constitution, 4) Banning HMI members in Badko Bali Nusra area to follow HTI’s activities 5) For HMI Badko Bali Nusra members who follow all activities of HTI will be recommended to be revoked of their membership, 6) To appeal and invite all Indonesian citizens, especially in Bali to maintain and care for pluralism and universal values ​​and NKRI. (sobhita)