Hold Cancer Counseling, KOMPAK FK UNUD held GREBEG DESA 2017

Free health service atmosphere by GREBEG DESA 2017 committee

The Cancer Care Student Community (KOMPAK) Faculty of Medicine (FK) Udayana entitled 'GREBEG DESA 2017' which is an annual work program from KOMPAK itself. GREBEG DESA this time the theme "Sinarengan Mengabdi Nguk Ngemolihang Karahajengan Ian Kawikanan Indik Kanker", and held in Tihingan village, Klungkung on 13 to 14 May. This activity also took Prima Medika to participate in the success of this activity. The event was also attended by Head of Student Affairs Institution in FK Unud, Head of "Badan Semi Otonom" (BSO) FK Unud, Head of Student Association at Faculty of Medicine Udayana University and some doctors who participated. This activity is held backed by how important it is efforts to increase public knowledge and early detection of breast cancer and cervical cancer. This activity has taken about three months to complete the preparation, which started from the formation of the committee, the drafting of activities, the arrangement of permits, to prepare equipment for technical on the day of H.

The event that lasted for two days long it is packaged in the extension and socialization. Where on the first day of the opening and inauguration activities GREBEG DESA 2017, then continued with counseling about breast and cervical cancer to homes of residents in the village of Tihingan, Klungkung. In the afternoon held an extension activity to the local STT in Banjar. At the extension activities to the STT is also accompanied by training checks tension to STT and in closing activities of intimacy, entertainment by the committee GREBEG DESA 2017. In GREBEG DESA 2017 activities are also held free health services such as checks tension, blood sugar checks, breast examination and pap smear.

GREBEG DESA 2017 event was held with considerable success with the target of his activities are Tihingan Village residents, especially women from the local village. And the purpose of this activity is the citizens of Tihingan Village, Klungkung can more know how cervical cancer and breast cancer, raising public awareness of its importance of early detection of breast and cervical cancer, introducing breast and pap smear examination as one of the early detection method Breast cancer and cervical cancer are safest, and can be one of the secondary prevention of breast and cervical cancers. Thus, according to the committee, the purpose of this activity can have a good impact for both parties. Where for the community can receive knowledge and increase self-control of cervical cancer and breast cancer, and of course for the committee is also expected through this activity can improve the ability in efforts to disseminate information about breast and cervical cancer through counseling, and improve the ability in Prevention and control of breast and cervical cancers, and improve the ability of KOMPAK FK Unud members in providing public health services. (arisugama)