Family planning and local wisdom were the theme which discussed at seminar Ikatan Mahasiswa Sosiologi (IMSOS) Udayana University, on Thursday (05/04). This regional seminar took place at Nusantara room, in Agrokompleks building, Udayana University.

The speakers who attend in this seminar were Solita Sarwono,MA,MPH,Ph.D. from gender and family expert and Prof. Dewa N. Wirawan,MD,MPH from Bali  health community expert.

The seminar named Keluarga Berencana dan Kearifan Lokal, discuss about family planning (KB) and local wisdom of Bali that is KB Bali. If national KB standard suggests two children are enough, while in KB Bali suggests four children. This local wisdom and KB is to be a phenomenon in Balinese nowadays.

This activity was attended by 130 participants. Jordy as the chairman of IMSOS Udayana said that this seminar is a program of IMSOS. The theme was chosen from the phenomenon that develops in Balinese.

“We raise this theme because it is interesting. Often, something that suggested nationally is inappropriate with the local wisdom” he said.

The Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Science of Udayana University in his speech and at the same time also opened the activity officially. He also appreciated the seminar’s theme. (sobhita)