Psychology Study Program Target Re-Accreditation in 2018
The Pamphlet Looked In Front Of the Psychology Study Program Building (source:
Psychology Study Program in Udayana was officially established as an institution that provides educational services on 6 February 2009 and is one of the study programs which is shaded by the Faculty of Medicine Udayana. Until now, Psychology Study Program has been able to pass about four to five student force. Study Program which was nearly eight years now has 18 numbers of lecturers which 15 are active, and three others are currently at pursuing advanced study, and of course it is supported by the presence of three employees of the academic in charge to control the learning process, logistics, Academic Information System (SIMAK), as well as administration.
According to Diah Lestari, as the secretary of Psychology Study Program, the role of the lecturer is also not only providing education for its students, but also embodies the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Tertiary Education) also conducts research and devotion. Research and service conducted by a lecturer in the department of psychology itself is normally varied, depending on the educational background of the respective lecturers. Although it composed of a wide variety of educational backgrounds are owned by the lecturers, it has to be narrowed to the one that is the color owned by the department of Psychology Udayana known as the color of health specially the mental health. It is also derived from the vision of Psychology Udayana "To empower Psychology Program Study Faculty of Medicine Udayana as college that implements the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi based on the development of science, technology, and cultural values ". And not only lecturers, but students of Psychology also carry out community service activities that looked at every event held such as social service, health service, and its sort. And recently Udayana Psychology students perform a new movement that is forming an organization called 'Trilogy (Volunteers Psychology)' which operates as a disaster volunteer, community service, and provision of first aid science of psychology.
Psychology now has several facilities that support the learning process, such as the Laboratory of physiology, psychology also has the Center Research "For Health and Indigenous Psychology", and counseling services are open to the public to participate in building cooperation with external parties such as the Denpasar city administration, banks that have been associated and cooperate with universities such as BNI, as well as opening the service to its students, "This activity is very important in education. Each lecturer must skilled in providing this service, either face to face or online. Face-to-face counseling has a very high effectiveness, but also has the advantages of online counseling which is able to penetrate the distance and time, as well as overcoming a shy person's character in face-to-face communication. So that online counseling can facilitate counseling activities to be done where, when, and by anyone", Diah Lestari stated.
With all the facilities capable of supporting learning in Psychology Udayana who have been exposed to the above, there are so many accomplishments that can be achieved by Psychology. Both in terms of study program, faculty, and students. Some of the achievements of Psychology is becoming Host International Conference in 2011 and 2015 which brought 23 countries, in 2011 won the best students showed that students of Psychology Udayana able to compete with other study programs. Therefore, this study program is presumed to have levels of achievement difficult such as quiz contest in UNPAD and UNAIR, as Indonesian Ambassador to China and as Runner Up Jegeg Bagus Udayana. In this year, this study program becomes University Host in the event ARUPS held by the Psychological Practitioners Association that is HIMPSI (Indonesian Psychological Association). Not only students, but lecturers in Psychology also get achievements, one of them is to win the 10 best articles in the Indonesian Psychological Association.
Although it has drawn so many accomplishments and achievements, Psychology Study Program is not necessarily relaxed. Psychology Udayana is currently targeting the re-accreditation will be implemented in 2018. Nowadays, Psychology Udayana currently accredited B and target re-accreditation in 2018. To achieve this target, this study program has its own business and strategy. One of them is to build relationships with alumni Psychology Udayana. It is because the alumni become one of the criteria in re-accreditation. Fortunately, this time the alumni Psychology Udayana itself has formed an organization called IKAPSI (Udayana Psychology Alumni Association). In the presence of its organization is certainly very helpful and supportive preparation for the next re-accreditation. In addition to keeping in touch with alumni, this study program also started to improve the quality of the race or event organized by Psychology to become more prestigious and recognized. (manik)