Book Review Discussion by Book Lovers Community’s Friends

Denpasar - Sunday (05/02), started from a sense of disquiet about low interest in reading, some students of Udayana University then established a community called Book Lovers Community (KCB) on June 5, 2016. They are Muhammad Sahlan, Muhammad Ilham Khudzaifi, Yoga Saputra, Trian Wangsa Purwanto, Muslim and Ahmad Fauzi with different majors’ background. Nevertheless it is not a reason for them to begin a glorious academic activities, which not only covers over the campus but also open to the public.

As from its establishment, KCB has conducted road shows in the form of book fairs and book reviewing about three times. This time KCB present at Renon precisely located in the south of the monument Bajra Sandi at 08.00 AM. In addition to exhibiting books, KCB also lend their books collection for enthusiast readers either directly or via social media. Approximately 25 students from Udayana University and the public attended the book review discussion hosted by Muslim, students of the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University with a book entitled “Pandangan Hidup Muslim” Prof. Dr. Buya Hamka

Book Collections Exhibition by Book Lovers Community

Over the establishment of this community is expected to foster interest in reading and provide awareness that reading is one thing that is very important to increase knowledge. When we can see, Indonesia it ranks second to bottom of the interest in reading, especially reading books. Especially the person in Indonesia are aware internet, like tweeted and sharing something. If people like that way but still lack of information and low interest in reading that is still not good to be an informant, that is why there are much hoax hoax spreaded, said Muslim, as one of the Book Lovers Community management. (lie)