Students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine were taking picture together after doing counseling about the disease Rabies in SDN 2 Sesetan.

Denpasar – On Saturday, (05/11) students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine held a counseling about rabies in SDN 2 Sesetan and SDN 7 Sesetan. This event was well received by both sides of the school. Students also enthusiastically welcomed the FKH students who want to provide the counseling. This activity started at 8:00 to 10:00 a.m., attended by students from grades 5 and 6 of the two schools. This extension is one of a series of activities to enliven the anniversary of Veterinary Medicine Faculty. In addition to enliven the FKH Anniversary, this activity was an annual event conducted by the Faculty as a form of implementation of the Tri Dharma College; a community service. 















FKH Students documentation alongside with the students of grade 5 and 6 SDN 2 Sesetan after the counseling about rabies awareness

"Hopefully, through their education about the rabies disease, the Balinese at least know about how to prevent and treat the disease rabies, not only for the adult society but children early age considered to be essential to obtain information about rabies, so they would know the symptoms of the disease itself," said Nyoman Anandiya Ramaditya, the former Chairman of Professional Pet Lover and Interests of BEM FKH Udayana. (mimi)