BEM FISIP UNUD Conducted Bali’s Alliance of Students’ Organizations of Faculty of Social and Political Science

The atmosphere of the event

In order to make all students’ organizations of faculty of social and political science in Bali closer, BEM Fisip Unud (faculty of social and political science Udayana University’s students organization) conducted a meeting called Aliansi BEM FISIP se-Bali (Bali’s Alliance of Students’ Organizations of Faculty of Social and Political Science) on October 8th 2016 in Student Center of Unud. It was attended by representatives of Warmadewa and Undiknas Universities. This meeting was successfully conducted. It was all about discussion and sharing. It was opened by the head of BEM Fisip Unud as the host of this meeting. Then, it was continued by introducing anti corruption festival which has annually been held by the host in December.

After that, the agenda was continued by the introduction of the head of other two universities students’ organization, discussion of orientations in the three universities; Undiksha was the first then continued by Warmadewa and Udayana. In addition, BEM Fisip Unud also asked the other two to join and take participation in the festival which had been introduced in the first agenda. The conclusion of this meeting was they would collaborate in celebrating anti corruption festival. Last, it was closed by giving placard to the representatives of two invited universities. (ayuniantari)