HI Built Closeness by Covering HI Issue Together in IRD

Recenlty, International Relations study (HI) invited the entire its members with educational way, by held a discussion activity named IRD (International Relations Discussion). This activity held on Friday, October 7th was the third of IRD and proved attract many participants. This activity was organized by HMPS KOMAHI which took place in Building C, FISIP, Udayana University. The reason to carry out this activity according to Moses Harazaki as the chairman of KOMAHI was as HI students should be more careful of issues that appear in international world and this discussion is able support lecture process at once. It is caused the material of discussion was dealing with lecture material.

This activity attended by 50 participants was begun with the introduction of the tutors, who the tutors were the HI students from 2013 to 2015 generation. Those tutors were chosen based on their interest with the issues which would be discussed. After tutor introduction, the participants were grouped into eight groups that leaded by one or two tutors for each group. This discussion system made the participants who previously did not recognize could be friend and sharing various issue as well as the view of it each other, and able to help improve the participants’ intellectual.

This discussion covered issues that related to the sociology in international relation and inter countries cooperation theme. More specific to cooperation since in sociology also covering how the cooperation is. This is a simple theme, because IRD was targeted mainly to the participants who had a little knowledge of international relations. After discussion session, the activity was continued by debate session which consisted of two sides, pro and contra where the pro deal with cooperation (liberalism) and contra the opposition with cooperation (realism). (sobhita)