Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Hold AIPT Socialization

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Udayana University held a socialization AIPT (Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions) on Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at the Meeting Room of Building B FISIP Unud. The event aims to inform that the Udayana University will increase Accreditation; A. FISIP is one of 13 faculties that will participate in the accreditation assessment.

Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Unud Dr. Drs. I Gst Pt Bagus Suka Arjawa, M.si said "Not only deans, vice deans and lecturers should participate in this assessment but students, alumni and also staff cleanliness should understand about Udayana University, the vision, mission and motto of the University of Udayana "Dean also said actually there are many lecturers or students who do not know what the vision, mission and motto of the Udayana University.

One of the participants and Members BEM FISIP Unud Nandito Narayana said "Socialization is  needed and useful course for lecturers, students and even the staff of the administration and cleanliness which probably most of them forgot or did not know of the vision and mission of the Udayana University". Questioned about the hope, Nando said Udayana University will successfully compete with national universities and even international. (suparta)