DEAN of FIB appealed to Faculty for Udayana University accreditation

Socialization accreditation Unud by the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at Widya Mandala Sabha

Denpasar – In connection with the preparation of the accreditation of the Udayana University, Monday October 3, 2016 at 10:00 pm Dean of the Faculty of Humanities urge the entire academic community to further boost campus activities to get ready to face the team of assessors who will come on 7 to 15 October. Socialization was attended by the chairman and secretary of study program, representatives of library staff ejection, academic and administrative employees, as well as representatives of the students at Widya Mandala Sabha.

Prof. Dr. Sutjiati Beratha as the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities revealed that although the team assessor did not come to the entire faculty at Udayana, we still have to keep ready in overcoming a team of assessors at any time later came to the faculty, given our faculty is the oldest faculty in Udayana will most likely attended by a team of assessors. At least there are excellent programs that we can give to the team of assessors such as libraries Lontar, Bipa and Bipas class, as well as research to add value Unud accreditation. Encouraged also to chairman of program study in order to better control the students on campus to be more active in the positive activism. (arisugama)