HMI Commissariat Faculty of Arts - Tourism Held Training Cadre 1

Training Discussion Forum Candidacy 1 (LK1) Commissioner of Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Tourism Udayana University Muslim Students’ Association Denpasar Branch
Denpasar – Friday, September 30th to October 2nd, 2016 the Commissioner of Faculty of Arts and Fcaulty of Tourism Udayana University organize Training Cadre 1 (LK1) in the Office of Zeni Kodam IX/Udayana, Denpasar Kepaon. Paticipants as many as 38 people from various faculties and other universities with the scope of Badung and Denpasar regency have been trained from the beginning to the end. During the training participants are required to take an active role in the discussion forum of expression. The discussion materials that must be taken by the participants is the HMI History, Constitution of HMI, HMI Mission, Leadership and Organizational Management, Study of Culture and Tourism, the National Studies, Philosophy, Core Values ​​Struggle (NDP), Islamic Studies and Trial Technique.

Pledge and the inauguration of the participants became a regular member of HMI in Training Cadre 1 HMI Denpasar Branch Commissariat Faculty of Arts Udayana University.

Training Cadre 1 is the work programs required to be held by each commissioner within the scope of the branch at least once a stewardship. Beside as the recruitment of HMI members, Training Cadre 1 is also as a forum of Muslim students to improve their intellectual skill in Islam in dealing with various kinds of the problems in Indonesia. Ricky Brahmana as the chairman of HMI Commissariat FIB-P said that in the cadre training this time is conceptualized in Islamic studies, as well as HMI which is the organization of extra-campus, bringing together students of Islam, is expected to return to his command the organization in Islam by referring to the Al-Quran and hadith. In addition, Nurdin, one of the participants of Training Cadre 1 also said that he is proud to join the HMI organization; many lessons can be learned from both Training Cadre 1 about leadership, the courage to speak, as well as Islamic studies. All were considered important because the science is not sufficiently obtained in the campus, the organization HMI be one option that can be used as a forum to hone our Islamic intellectual and as a student. (kezia)