Welcoming the Anniversary Day, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries Held a Devotion Charity

Welcoming the Anniversary Day, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries Held a Devotion Charity

Welcoming the anniversary of the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, the Student of Executive Board devotion held the devotion charity. It was located in the Development of Disabled Children Foundation (YPAC) Nusa Dua, on Saturday (1/10). The devotion charity event was using the theme of "Filial Love and Sea Spirit from Heart for Others."

The BEM Governor, Hendra Yoga Pratama, in his speech said that the 5th anniversary of the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries was like a baby born, which the same as the age of human began to learn to speak, to know the environment and also to explore about themselves. He also said that the students should be able to be more active in contributing in order to get some achievements in the future.

"Honestly, personally I am happy to be able to visit YPAC, because in here the words which are impossible do not exist because those kinds of words are erased by the spirit." said Hendra Yoga.

He hoped that the YPAC occupants can be used as inspiration while seeing the achievements obtained. Even though there were some limitations that they had, they could achieve not only in the provincial level but also at the national level.

The election of YPAC as the place to do the devotion of charity was because this place was a place for children who have physical retardation. Since last year the charity had been carrying out in the Tat Tvam Asi orphanage. This charitable devotion was entered as a series MAFFEST which would be held every year.

The activities carried out in YPAC were: the provision of material on maritime affairs and fisheries by the lecturers in Faculty of Marine and Fisheries; sharing with the YPAC children; then playing video, pantoret entertainment done by the students of Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, music, cutting cake and expectation-balloons release. The number of participants in the charitable devotion, there were 60 students and invitations, and about 45 people from younger siblings YPAC. (etong)

Dipilihnya YPAC sebagai tempat penyelenggaraan bakti amal karena untuk tahun ini memang dipilih tempat untuk anak-anak yang memiliki keterbelakangan fisik. karena tahun lalu sudah melaksanakan bakti amal di panti asuhan Tat Twam Asi. Bakti amal ini masuk sebagai rangkaian MAFFEST jadi dilaksanakan setiap tahun.

Adapun kegiatan yang dilakukan di YPAC yakni, pemberian materi tentang kelautan dan perikanan oleh dosen FKP, sharing dengan anak-anak penghuni YPAC, selanjutnya ada pemutaran vidio, hiburan pantoret dari mahasiswa FKP, musik, pemotongan kuae dan pelepasan balon harapan. Jumlah peserta yang mengikuti bakti amal, ada 60 orang dari mahasiswa dan undangan, dan sekitar 45 orang dari adik-adik YPAC. (mimi)