Atmosphere of the meeting of Political Science assessors

On September 3, 2016, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Udayana University got a visit from National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BANPT) namely Prof. Dr. Sri Zul Chairiyah., M. A and Dr. H. R. Dudy Heryadi., M.Si. This event was opened by Dean of Social and Political Sciences Faculty (hereinafter called FISIP) and also attended by Vice Rector I of Udayana University, all Vice Deans of FISIP, Chairperson of USDI, Chairperson of LP3M, and all lecturers of Study Program of Political Science. The event held in building B of FISIP of Udayana University discussed about the facilities and materials that have been given in the Political Science Study Program.

 The purpose of holding this meeting is the assessors who came in this meeting can participate to check the completeness of the study program's files, and then assess the files to determine the accreditation of the Political Science Study Program. The Vice Rector I also said that this meeting is not merely discussing about the values, however, it is also discussing about how Udayana University can improve the system and quality. In addition to the explanation of the materials and facilities, this meeting also held a discussion with some students of Political Science to review the materials and facilities that they received. (naristadevi)