Students Got Involved in Updating PDRISTEKDIKTI

Bukit Jimbaran, (13/06/2016)---Given the impact of the condition of academic data and lecturer data at RISTEK DIKTI Data Base which greatly affect the graduation status of students, faculty lecturers certification status, SIMLITABMAS, accreditation of departments / institutions, as well as national rankings, the University of Udayana conducted the updating of data history of the lecturers at PDRISTEKDIKTI  by making validation teams. This attempt was carried out at the 3rd floor Nusa Room In Jimbaran Campus. The event was listed for 3 days (13 June 2016-15 June 2016). The team included 26 students, comprising of students of the Faculty of Social and Political Science and Faculty of Engineering, assisted by employees of the Bureau of Academic Administration, Employment and USDI.

The event was opened by the Head of Academic Administration Bureau Drs.Ketut Amoga Sidi who was accompanied by the Head of Personnel Drs. I Nyoman Pasek Suarsa and Head of Information Resources Unit Prof. Dr. Ketut Darma Putra, Kom., MT. Head of Academic Administration Bureau warned in his briefing that the importance of updating the data that would determine the name of Udayana University at the national level. Validation team was also reminded to do the validation process while maintaining the precautionary principle in order to proceed the data correctly.

With this event, it was expected the data of the lecturers in PDRISTEKDIKTI become up to date so that it can improve the National rank Udayana University. (desrimama)