Director of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Serves as Judge for The Kintamani Bali National Exhibition at the 818th Anniversary of Bangli.


Sunday, May 8, 2022, the Kintamani Dog National Exhibition has been held as the celebration of the 818th Anniversary of Bangli City which held at the Captain Anak Agung Gede Anom Mudita Park. The national exhibition of the kintamani dog was also attended by leadership elements of the Bangli Regency. The event was preceded by remarks from the head of the Department of Food and Agriculture of Bangli Regency, then followed by a report by the chairman of the kintamani dog contest committee, Mr. Putu Ricang, in his report the chairman of the committee said that the purpose of this event was to measure the quality of the breeds of the kintamani dog breeders and also to provide Education to the public about how to raise a dog that is good and right. In addition, according to him, what is also important is to encourage the kintamani dog as the world's definitive breed. After the report of the chairman of the committee, it was continued with the opening of the event by the regent of Bangli, Mr. Sang Nyoman and Arta. In his speech, the regent invited the community to maintain and develop the kintamani dog as a dog breed that became the pride of the Bangli community and the Balinese people. During the opening ceremony, the kintamani dog website was also launched by the Regent of Bangli, which contained all information and activities for the kintamani dog in Indonesia.



This event was attended by 71 participants from various classes. The judges in charge of this event are the judges for Group 5, Mr. Putu Ricang Kusuma Jaya, the Specialty Jury, Prof. Dr. drh. I Ketut Puja, M.Kes and the judges for the agility competition and the BH test were Mr. Ridwan Koswara. Before the exhibition started, the special judge, Prof. Dr. drh. I Ketut Puja also gave an explanation about the standard of the kintamani dog, especially the characteristics of the kintamani dog breed standard for beginners. In his presentation, Prof. Puja, who is the Director of the Teaching Hospital of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, stated that these characteristics are important in maintaining the standardization of the Kintamani dog, considering that the Kintamani dog has been recognized as a world breed dog. The event closed with the awarding of the contest winners by the Regent of Bangli.