The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University holds the First Offline Judiciary and Inauguration of Veterinarians in 2022


The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University (FVM Unud) held the First Offline Judiciary and Inauguration of Veterinarians in 2022, Wednesday (20/04/2022). The event was held offline in the Nusantara room, Agrocomplex Building, Udayana Sudirman University Campus. by implementing strict COVID-19 prevention protocols. The Judicial and Inauguration activities were attended by the Dean, Deputy Deans, Study Program Coordinators, Unit Heads, Heads of Laboratories, Sub-Coordinators in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Unud. Unud Veterinary Alumni Association, Head of Bali Agricultural Quarantine, Head of Denpasar Veterinary Center, Head of Animal Health Division of the Bali Provincial Agriculture Office, Head of Animal Health Division of the District Agriculture Office. Badung, Head of Animal Health Department of Agriculture Denpasar City, Representative from PT. Charoen Pockpand, PT, Wonokoyo. The number of graduates who attended was: 1 Master of Veterinary Science Graduate, 23 Graduates of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine which 21 Veterinarians attended offline while 2 people were online and 3 Graduates Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine Degree. Meanwhile, online events are held via webex and Youtube, in collaboration with Udayana TV.



The event began with the reading of a prayer represented by I Wayan Sija which was then continued with the report of the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning FVM Dr. drh. I Gusti Ngurah Sudisma, M.Si. Dr. Sudisma conveyed that the number of judicial participants consisted of 3 people from the undergraduate program, 23 people from the professional program, and 1 person from the master's program. Until now, the number of graduates from DVM FVM Udayana is 2619 people. The highest GPA for the master's program is 3.88, the average GPA is 3.88 with an average study period of 5 semesters. The highest GPA for the Doctor of Veterinary program is 3.93 and the lowest is 3.47 with an average of 3.68. GPA and study period of 3 to 7 semesters, the highest GPA for Bachelor of veterinary medicine is 3.56 and the lowest GPA is 3.27. 



The event was continued by confirming the graduate and master's degree program participants by the Dean of FVM Unud Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si. accompanied by the Vice Deans, and the Coordinator of each Study Program which is carried out by providing diplomas and transcripts of grades. Meanwhile, for the participants of the inauguration of the professional program, a veterinarian is sworn in, followed by the awarding of diplomas, transcripts and Vet Thropy. 



The Dean of FVM Unud congratulated the graduates for being able to complete their education well. Prof. Suartha also conveyed a message to the judicial participants, namely “for veterinary graduates to carry out their oath and adhere to the veterinary code of ethics. Due to the higher challenges ahead, new veterinary graduates will need to enrich their knowledge and mastery of technology and immediately join professional veterinary organizations, both the Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA) in their respective regional branches and the Veterinary Alumni Association (IKAVet)".



The event continued with remarks and impressions of messages from representatives of the parents of the judiciary participants. Representatives of the graduates' parents expressed their gratitude to Udayana University, especially FVM Unud, for guiding and educating our children patiently so that they can achieve graduation well. Veterinary graduates are expected to be able to apply their knowledge to the community diligently and with full commitment. The event was continued with speeches and messages from representatives of the judiciary participants by drh. Dyah Giana Paramita, S.KH. drh. Dyah Giana Paramita expressed his gratitude for the knowledge and experience that had been given as well as the facilities in achieving all of this to FVM Unud. Dr. Dyah Giana Paramita also congratulated his colleagues who were sworn in today and hoped that the graduates will continue to love their alma mater.

The graduation ceremony for undergraduate and masters as well as the inauguration of veterinarians went smoothly. The event ended with a group photo (O.)