ZI FEB Unud Team in 2022 Participated in Mentoring ZI WBK/WBBM Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology
Located on the 3rd floor of the MM Building, Denpasar Campus, the ZI FEB Unud Team in 2022 participated in the assistance for the WBK/WBBM ZI Development, from the WBK/WBBM Integrity Zone Assistance Team, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology on Wednesday (13/04/2022) yesterday. The event was attended by the Dean of FEB Unud and the entire Development Team for the Clean Area Integrity Zone from Corruption at FEB Unud in 2022.
The event was opened directly by the Dean of FEB Unud, Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D. In his remarks, the Dean hoped that the ZI WBK/WBBM Assistance Team could provide understanding and guidance to the entire Corruption-Free Area Integrity Zone Development Team at FEB Unud, thus making it easier for the ZI WBK FEB Unud development team to fill out the Evaluation Worksheet (LKE). The Dean also hopes that the participants present can dig up information and ask things that need to be discussed so that it will be easier to fill out the LKE.
Mr. Yudi Pramudianto, as a resource person at the event, explained the ZI guidelines in accordance with the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 90 of 2021 and the LKE Review. He also described an external survey of perceptions of service quality and perceptions of anti-corruption using the Siazik application. Followed by providing input related to services that must be owned by the unit in order to comply with the criteria of the Integrity Zone of the Clean Area from Corruption.