Realizing a High Commitment, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University Holds an Internal Quality Assurance System Workshop


The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University (FVM Udayana University) held a hybrid workshop of Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS), offline held in the FVM Udayana University Building Meeting Room and online through the Cisco Webex application. The workshop activity ran for 2 days from 7 to 8 April 2022 which was attended by the Head of FVM Udayana University, Faculty Quality Assurance Unit Team, Head of Department, Administrative Coordinator, Administrative Sub-coordinator, Head of Laboratory, Director of Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Head of Teaching Farm, Block Coordinator, and lecturers in the FVM Udayana University environment. In the context of quality cultivation, the workshop agenda includes deepening of information related to IQAS policies at the National, University and Faculty levels which are expected to produce complete outputs of IQAS documents.


The workshop started with an opening by Dr. drh. I Gede Soma, M.Kes. as Chairman of the Committee and Dean of FVM Udayana University Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si.. This activity presented several speakers. The IQAS National Policy material was delivered by Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Sadra Dharmawan, M.S. The legal basis for the IQA-Dikti National Policy includes Law No. 12 of 2012, Permenristekdikti No. 62 of 2016, Permendikbud No. 3 of 2020, and Permendikbud No. 5 of 2020. The quality of higher education is the compatibility between the implementation of higher education with national higher education standards and higher education standards set by universities. IQA-High Education is a systemic activity to improve the quality of higher education in a planned and sustainable manner. Internal Quality Assurance System is an autonomous higher education quality assurance activity by each tertiary institution which is carried out in a planned and sustainable manner. The core of IQAS is SIECI (setting of higher education standards, implementation of higher education standards, evaluation, control, and improvement of higher education standards). Universities are required to make regulations related to the implementation of IQAS in the form of documents. Prof. Sadra said, “It has to be really done starting from monitoring, self-evaluation, internal quality audits, external quality audits, and other evaluations. Audits are important for improvement, we also never do control, we never talk about the evaluation results. We have to do a Management Action Meeting (MAM). The relationship between SN-Dikti and accreditation criteria are vision and mission, governance and cooperation, students. Standards for lecturers and staff, standards for infrastructure, education, research, community service, and outputs.”.



The material was continued by Prof. Dr. Ir. Ni Nyoman Suryani, M.Si. which discusses the IQAS policy at Udayana University. The Udayana University IQAS is stipulated in Pertor No. 4 of 2020, which is related to the IQAS policy, the IQAS Manual, and the IQAS form. Then, IQAS at Udayana University is regulated by Pertor No. 15 of 2020 which is referred to as the Udayana University higher education standard. Udayana University has exceeded the standard where Udayana University has as many as 33 standards, while the minimum number is 24 standards. Internal Quality Assurance System Udayana University's strategy is to actively involve all work units, involve graduate users, conduct comparative studies, conduct various trainings, conduct socialization to internal stakeholders. The IQAS principle is autonomous, uses SN-Dikti and Udayana University standards, uses accurate data and information in PD-Dikti, uses the SIECI cycle, and is documented in terms of processes and results. "The target for IQAS Udayana University's achievement is the 1000 best universities in the world. Currently, there are still many document numbers that do not comply with the standards regulated by Pertor No.692/UN14/AK/2018.” said Prof. Suryani.




The 3rd material was delivered by Dr. drh. I Nengah Wandia, M.Si. which discusses the IQAS policy at FVM Udayana University. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University Internal Quality Assurance System has several special standards, such as the ups and downs standards that have been set at the faculty. Currently, derivative documents owned by FVM Udayana University as implementing standards at the faculty include the 2018 faculty general guidebook, 2020 veterinary undergraduate academic guide, FVM Udayana University 2018 curriculum, guidelines for veterinary professional education at FVM Udayana University 2016, guidelines for making research proposals and thesis writing, the 2016 SKP book, Semester Learning Plans (SLO), and the 2020-2024 FVM Udayana University Strategic Plan. It is necessary to update the document as a form of adjustment to the current situation. Documents needed are Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) for the preparation of vision and mission, Master Development Plan (MDP) document, research road map and Community Service (CS), SOP for documenting/ controlling documents, SOP for appeals against student dissatisfaction, guidelines for integrating CS in learning materials, subject modules, and practicum modules.



Dr. Wandia emphasized the need for quality standard adjustments in the form of revisions to the internal quality assurance system document of FVM Udayana University. The documents that must be prepared as the outputs of this workshop include SOPs for documenting/ controlling documents, SOP’s for preparing vision, mission, and standard revisions (IKU/IKT), setting up civil service standards, quality forms related to SIECI, as well as guidelines for implementing evaluation monitoring, satisfaction survey, and tracer study.

The SPMI Workshop activity was successful based on high commitment from various parties in order to produce complete and quality output documents for FVM Udayana University in the future. (/R)