Kunjungan dan Sosialisasi Universitas Hasanudin
Udayana University Postgraduate (PPS UNUD) carried out a Visit and Socialization to Hasanudin University (UNHAS), Makassar, South Sulawesi (31 March 2022) which was led directly by the Director, Prof. Ir. Linawati, M.Eng.Sc.,Ph.D accompanied by the Deputy Director, KoProdi, KoUnit and Unud Postgraduate Staff.
The group was received by Prof. Dr. Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa., M.Sc as the Dean of the Head of the UNHAS Postgraduate School and several other unit leaders within the UNHAS Postgraduate scope.
The Dean of the UNHAS Postgraduate School welcomed the arrival of the Unud Postgraduate group as an effort to improve the implementation of higher education, especially the Faculties and Study Programs.
"Welcome to our campus, we really appreciate the arrival of the Udayana University Postgraduate group. Hopefully there are things that we can collaborate on, we are indeed required to collaborate with each other between universities, "he said.
Meanwhile, the Postgraduate Director expressed his gratitude to the UNHAS Postgraduate leadership who had accepted the Unud Postgraduate group.
“Thank you for receiving us so well. It is extraordinary that we were given the opportunity to carry out visits and socialization on the UNHAS Postgraduate campus, this is the first step of Unud Postgraduate in collaborating with UNHAS, "he said.
Visits and socialization activities in order to improve the quality of study programs and as an effort to compare the achievement of standards between the internal parts of the organization and the external standards of the organization in a sustainable manner. This visit and socialization is practically expected to provide best practice experience in overseeing the quality assurance of study programs.
"There are many things that we need to learn at Postgraduate UNHAS, especially in the aspect of administering study programs, which in essence is related to the predicate of Superior and International accreditation, including aspects of the curriculum, aspects of institutional structure, unit functions and Homebase under the auspices of the Postgraduate," continued the Director.
During the visit, it was followed by a discussion as well as socialization of the discussion on student recruitment, accreditation, and Homebase at Hasanuddin University and Udayana University.