Public Lecture: Examining the Practice of Clientelism in Electoral at the Local Level

the Political Science study program at Udayana University held a public lecture entitled Examining the Practice of Clientelism in Electoration at the Local Level, boldly at 9:30 WITA. This public lecture presented a Political Science Lecturer, Nusa Cendana University, Dr. Rudi Rohi, SH, M.Sc., as resource persons, and Lecturer of Political Science at Udayana University, Efatha Filomeno Borromeu Duarte, S.IP., H.Sos., as moderators. Also present were lecturers and coordinators of the Political Science study program at Udayana University, as well as political science students at Udayana University. (25/03/2022)

This general lecture discusses the meaning and forms of clientelism, actors and resource bases of clientelism practice, how clientelism works in the electoral political space at the local level, and the findings of variants of local electoral clientelism.

In the discussion session, Dr. Rudi mentioned the importance of optimizing political education which is not only about how to vote/vote the right way but also contains about any violations that can occur in elections, one of which is money politics, to reduce/minimize the practice of clientelism.

This activity was closed with a group photo and the presentation of certificates to the speakers.