Students From Faculty Of Agricultural Technology Udayana University Win Silver and Bronze Medals at the National Championship Open Tournament Pencak Silat Banyuwangi Championsip II 2022
Students from Faculty of Agricultural Technology Udayana University (FTP Unud) won medals at the National Open Tournament Pencak Silat Banyuwangi Championsip II in 2022 which was held at GOR Tawangalun Banyuwangi on 21-22 March 2022.
Luh Wiwin Pradnya Dewi is a student of Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University. Wiwin is a member of the UKM Perisai Diri, Udayana University and won a silver medal in the category A Class A Women's Competition for Adult Students.
Meanwhile, Yunita Noerkumalasari is a student of Food Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University. Yunita joined the Merpati Putih UKM Udayana University and managed to get a bronze medal in the category B Class B Women's Competition for Adult Students.
This match is an activity of the National Open Tournament Pencak Silat Banyuwangi Championship II 2022 organized by Wings of Rajawali in collaboration with IPSI Banyuwangi.
Wiwin and Yunita said that they were very proud to represent the UKM Perisai Diri and UKM Merpati Putih Udayana University especially the Faculty of Agricultural Technology in this Championship, they also said that they still need to improve themselves and will always practice for other championships, so that in future competitions they can present gold medals for both Udayana University and the Faculty of Agricultural Technology.
Picture: Luh Wiwin Pradnya Dewi is a student of Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University Receives an Award