Presentation Selection Top 10 Entrepreneurship Education and Training Undergraduate Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University

The Management Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University held a Top 10 Presentation Selection Activity "Create Your Business" Undergraduate Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University on Friday, March 18, 2022 at BI Building 3rd Floor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University .

The Top 10 Presentation selection event was opened directly by the Chairman of the Committee, Drs. I Gde Ketut Warmika M.M. This Top 10 Presentation Selection aims to determine the Top 5 winners of the Create Your Business 2022 competition who are eligible to receive funding from study programs to realize their business. After the opening, it was followed by a presentation session by each team.

This activity was attended by 10 teams, starting with a presentation session by each team that passed to the Big 10 Stage of “Create Your Business” 2022, which came from the Bachelor of Management Study Program from semester II, IV, and VI. This Top 10 assessment was judged by three judges who came from the Bachelor of Management Study Program, of course, who were competent in their fields, namely Drs. I Gde Ketut Warmika, M.M., Komang Agus Satria Pramudana, S.T., M.Com., and Drs. Kastawan Mandala, M.M. During the presentation, all the teams conveyed their business ideas in a communicative and very interesting way.

At the end of the event was the announcement of the Top 5 Create Your Business 2022, namely the fifth place was won by MET4VERSE TEAM with the Sandes Box product, the fourth place was won by FYP TEAM with the Luwih Bag product, the third place was won by BESTEAM with the story of Cendol product, the second place was won by PRADA TEAM with the Naturia Scrub product, and JENAKA won first place with the Homemade Flavor product.

The handover of the charter and business funding is carried out symbolically by the Chair of the Committee. The event ended with a group photo.