The Rothschildi Wildlife Professional Interest Student Association Discusses Fauna in the Wallacean Area at the National Seminar on the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University

         Professional Interest in Wildlife “Rothschildi” Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) Udayana University held an annual national seminar on Saturday 19 March 2022. This activity is an annual mandatory activity organized by Rothschildi. This activity is also the opening of the National Seminar which will be held by other professional interests within the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University. This National Seminar was attended by 120 participants consisting of 7 Veterinarians, 30 Chelonias, 83 students and the public and 59 committee members from Rothschildi themselves. The National Seminar of Professional Interest in Wildlife “Rothschildi” Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) Udayana University this time carried the theme, namely The Treasure of Wallacean Wildlife, where this theme was taken due to concerns about the lack of research carried out and the public's interest in the fauna that live in the Wallacean area. Meanwhile, this area has abundant diversity and wealth waiting to be explored. This activity is also supported by concerns related to the rampant poaching of wild animals to be sold and consumed illegally. By presenting 4 speakers who are experts in their respective fields, it is hoped that this seminar can foster the interest of researchers to further examine the wealth that exists in the country, as well as increase awareness of the importance of maintaining ecosystems on the Wallacean Area.


     The activity began with an opening, prayer, and welcome remarks from the Chair of the Committee, Chairman of Rothschildi Wildlife Professional Interest Student Association, Deputy Chair of BEM, Rothschildi Trustees, and the Dean who was represented by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning and officially opened the event. The first material was presented by Dr. Saroyo Sumarto on Behavior Habitat and Conservation of The Wallacean Wildlife, followed by drh. Annisa Devi Rachmawati regarding The Risk of Wildlife Consumption, followed by Ir. Herman Teguh who discussed the Monitoring and Illegal Wildlife Trade Effect on Population Preservation, and was closed by drh. Sri Kayati Widyastuti, M.Si who explained about Emergency Medicine on Primates. Each session was filled with discussions, quizzes and giving certificates to the speakers.


      The event ended with the announcement of the quiz winners, the most active participants and the door prize drawing for the lucky participants. Hopefully, this activity will be an encouragement for other professional interests of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University in carrying out National Seminars and introducing FVM UNUD on the national level as well as improving the main performance indicators of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University as conveyed by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning in his speech.  


Prionailurus Bengalensis, Roths ‘19