Development of Student Creativity and Soft Skills Through Student Creativity Program (PKM), Food Technology Student Association FTP Unud Holds SEFOLOGY 2022

SEFOLOGY (Scientific Event of Food Technology) 2022 is one of the programs from Food Technology Study Program Student Association (HIMATEPA) of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University. This activity aims to develop student creativity and soft skills through making student creativity proposals (PKM). This activity is a place to train creativity and soft skills of new students in the Food Technology Study Program as well as train critical thinking skills and train students' skills in writing PKM proposals.


The SEFOLOGY 2022 event is planned to be held in 2 days. The 1st day of SEFOLOGY 2022 held on Sunday, 20th March 2022 in the Reading Room, GA Building, 2nd floor, Faculty of Agricultural Technology Udayana University (hybrid). This event was also attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc., P.hD., HIMATEPA assistant lecturer, Chair of the Food Technology Student Association, and the offline and online executive committee attended by the Food Technology Coordinators Mrs. Dr. Gusti  Ayu Kadek Diah Puspawati, S.TP., M.Si.


This event began with an opening by the Dean,,Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc., P.hD. which officially opened the SEFOLOGY 2022 activity. The Dean also hopes that this activity is expected to produce more PKM from Food Technology students who can pass and be funded thereby increasing the number of student academic achievements, especially Student PKM in the Faculty of Agricultural Technology Udayana university environment.of  The 1st day SEFOLOGY 2022 is a Briefing Talkshow which presents several speakers, namely Andreas Kurniawan, Manika Santhi who is a student of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Laksmi Dewi from the Pharmacy Study Program.


Ida Bagus Mahatma Nanda as chairman of the Food Technology Study Program Student Association added that the Sefology 2022 activity is expected to be a forum for Food Technology students to increase their creativity in the field of PKM writing. He also added that 1st day  activities were packaged with a briefing talk show by presenting speakers who had experience writing PKM and Passed to further stimulate Food Technology students to be more enthusiastic about writing PKM.