Undergraduate Economics Study Program Achievement Student Training in 2022

The Bachelor of Economics Study Program has carried out the Economics Study Program Achievement Student Training 2022 on Saturday, February 26, 2022 which was attended by 50 students batch 21 of the Economics Bachelor Study Program which was carried out offline at the MM Building Floor 3 Rooms 3.1 and 3.2 FEB Unud .


The 2022 Economics Undergraduate Outstanding Student Training Activity discussed material on "How to be an Outstanding Student in University" where this time it presented speaker I Gede Andika Wira Teja who is also an Outstanding Student of FEB Unud 2018 and is an Alumni of the Economics Undergraduate Study Program.


The purpose of implementing the 2022 Economics Study Program Achievement Student Training is as a means to equip and prepare students for the 2021 batch later in the Outstanding Student event in the following year.