Developing SM-FVM New Recruits’ Potential through a Collaboration Program: Diklat Manajemen Organisasi 2022

The Student Senate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) of Udayana University Organized Organizational Management Training (DMO) for Young Members of the Student Senate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University. DMO is a work program of the third collaboration of the Student Senate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University. DMO provided education and training for young members in the hope of forming SM-FKH Unud functionaries who are able to process organizational management functions. These functions consist of planning, organizing, actuating, and supervising in carrying out their duties and authorities as functionaries of SM-FKH Unud. This year, the DMO carries the theme “Tuang Cipta, Rasa, Karsa Kepemimpinan dalam Diklat Manajemen Organisasi” and was held on Saturday, February 26 2022 at 08.00 WITA offline in the FKH Unud Meeting Room and online through Cisco Webex Meeting.

DMO 2022 was attended by 44 participants from the three SM-FVM Unud consisting of 20 new recruits of BEM, 6 new recruits of DPM, and 18 new recruits of LPM Suara Satwa. This event was attended by the Chair and Deputy Chairperson of BEM, the General Chair and Deputy General Chairperson of DPM, as well as the General Leader and Editor-in-Chief of LPM Suara Satwa. The preparation of this event was accompanied by the Steering Committee and supervised by the Supervisory Coordinator and Supervisor assigned by DPM FVM Unud.

 This event began with an opening by the MC, pray, and the screening of the Indonesian National Anthem - Indonesia Raya and FVM’s Mars Unud. Followed by an activity report by Maria Vani Guntur as the event director of DMO, remarks by the General Chairperson of DPM, General Leader of LPM Suara Satwa, Deputy Chair of BEM, and remarks by the Dean of FVM Unud at the same time opening the event. This event was filled by three speakers who discussed the organization and its administration. The first speaker was Mr. Deputy Dean I, Dr. drh. I Gusti Ngurah Sudisma, M.Sc. who talked about the organization from the dean's point of view. The second speaker was Dr. drh. Luh Gde Sri Surya Heryani, M.Biomed who talked about "Quick strategy in the administration of organizational activities". This session was closed with a talk show with the former Deputy Chair of the BEM FVM Unud for the 2020/2021 period, Luh Made Nanda Ayuni who discussed "Improving Basic Critical Thinking Skills, and Work Ethic in Organizations".

Through DMO, new recruits are trained to solve problems given by the committee as a form of group assignment. Before the activity ended, participants were given the opportunity to present their views and solutions regarding these problems. This activity was closed with a group photo session and filling out the activity questionnaire given by the DPM FVM Unud.

Written by: Committee of DMO 2022