The Head of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Visits the Bali Food Crops Agricultural Center (BPTP)

 The head of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) Udayana University visited the Bali Food Crops Agricultural Center (BPTP). During the visit, the leadership of the FVM Unud consisting of Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha MSi (Dean), Dr. drh I Gst. Ngurah Sudisma, MSi (Vice Dean for Academic and Planning Affairs), Dr. drh Luh Gde Sri Surya Heryani, M Biomed (Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance) and Mr. Dr.drh. I Wayan Sudira, MSi (Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Information and Collaboration) was welcomed by the Head of the BPTP, Dr. drh I Made Rai Yasa, MP. Located in the Agriculture Operation Meeting Room BPTP Bali by implementing strict health protocols (February 3, 2022).

This activity was opened by the Head of the BPTP and in his speech expressed his gratitude for the visiting of the new FVM Leaders, the main topic of this meeting is “Cooperation between institute within the agriculture department and educational institutions, especially Veterinary Medicine, is very important in progress in their respective fields; so that it is hoped that there will be coordination and cooperation between BPTP and the Faculty," said Dr. Rai Yasa

 On that occasion, the Dean of FVM Unud said that one of the indicators of the progress of the faculty is accreditation. "To achieve excellent accreditation, the role of relevant agencies is very important in order to improve the quality of the faculty, in order to achieve excellent accreditation," said Prof. Suartha.

The meeting also revealed the potential for BPTP to collaborate in various fields of Research, Education and Service in accordance with the “Tri Dharma” of Higher Education. In the future, cooperation will be carried out in fulfilling the Main Performance Indicators (IKU) of the Faculty Independent Campus Learning Program, which was launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture, one of which is an off-campus internship. That was the thing that was said by Vice Dean for Planning and Academic Affairs, Dr. Sudisma. On that occasion an assessment was also carried out regarding the Cooperation Agreement (CA) between BPTP and FVM Unud.

The contribution and involvement of BPTP so far has been very clear, tangible and proven to be valid in supporting every activity carried out by FKH Unud, especially during accreditation. The meeting ended with a discussion about the contents of the CA which would be finalized at a further meeting. The meeting closed with a photo session and lunch together.