Forge Yourself In Nature Through Minpro Rothschildi's FKH Unud New Member Inauguration

In order to accept new members of the Minat Profesi Satwa Liar Rothschildi, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, held an inauguration at the West Bali National Park (TNBB). This activity was prepared for approximately one month with 35 participants and 29 committee members. Before the peak activity, there is also a pre-inauguration activity which aims to provide briefing to the participants on how to survive in nature and the sundries of necessities that must be brought to the peak event.

The culmination of the inauguration event was held for three days and two nights, on January 28 to 30, 2022. On the first day of the activity the participants were gathered on campus before leaving together for TNBB, the trip lasted for 5 hours, cut off from Friday prayer time at the mosque. closest. When they arrived at the campsite, participants were immediately directed to operate ants around the campsite before carrying out the next activity, namely debriefing about TNBB and how to identify balinese curik. On the second day, participants woke up at 4.30 WITA and the activity began with worship, morning exercise, and breakfast before tracking.

In the Tracking event itself, there are eight posts that must be passed by participants, these posts are divided into seven cluster introduction posts and one post at the end to find the participant's field name which is a tradition from year to year as a symbol of the "new name" for the acceptance of the new Minpro Rothschildi family. The participants were quite enthusiastic in carrying out the event, "the tracking is fun, you can enter the forest, swim at the beach, that's great," said one participant after carrying out the tracking event.

On the third day, mental training was carried out in the morning to ask about commitment and readiness to become a member of Minpro Rothschildi. This event suddenly turned into emotion when the korsa shirt was pinned to all participants as a symbol and welcome greeting, after which the participants of the event continued with breakfast. At 10.00 WITA the participants were gathered again for the reading of the oath and inaugurated directly by the Minpro Rothschildi Trustees. The event closed with an announcement of appreciation to the participants and the impression of messages during this activity. Minpro Rothschildi supervisor, drh. I Wayan Batan, M. Si also welcomed the new members of Minpro Rothschildi in his remarks and expressed his hope that the new members would remain enthusiastic to carry out their duties and maintain their trust as long as they are members of the Wildlife Profession Interest in the future. Salam Lestari!


Reporter : Nasalis Larvatus, Roths'19