Aligning Sustainable Cooperation Badung District Government and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University to Create Center of Excellence Sobangan Cattle Center

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Mangupura – The meeting of the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University (FVM Udayana University) to the Badung District Government, was warmly welcomed by the Head of the Agriculture and Food Service and his staff. This visit was led by the Dean, Prof. Nyoman Suartha, aims to strengthen the longstanding cooperation between the two parties, and at the same time harmonize district government programs for sustainable cooperation. The meeting, which was chaired directly by the Head of the Service, I Wayan Wijana, took place in the Meeting Room of the Agriculture Service, Mangupura, on Wednesday (2/2/2022).

The Head of the Badung Agriculture and Food Office, I Wayan Wijana accompanied by service staff, explained that the cooperation that had been going well had been shared by the district government, the community and also the FVM Udayana University community and must continue to be improved. The ongoing collaboration includes livestock health checks and meat health during Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Fitr, and Galungan holidays, participation in the success of rabies vaccination, facilitation of field work practices (FWP), utilization of Mambal Slaughterhouse and Sobangan Livestock Settlement. for the practicum learning process and co-assistance of the veterinary profession, as well as planting forage for livestock.

“Cooperation that is mutually beneficial must continue to be improved, and we are committed to implementing the existing MoU. We have an idea to build a veterinary clinic, besides that we need support and assistance from the campus to realize the Bali Sobangan Cattle Center as one of the Centers of Excellence in providing certified bali cattle breeds, "said the Head of Wijana.

Head of Animal Health Division, Gede Dormitory and Head of Animal Husbandry, Nyoman Alit Mahuni, complete the things that have been explained by the Head of Service.

The Head of the Animal Health Dormitory explained that the second Cooperation Agreement (CA) had been extended until 2024, and the Sobangan Livestock Center was the mascot of the CA which FVM Udayana University used as a Teaching Farm Unit. "We support campus activities in Badung District. Regarding the veterinary clinic, Mangupura Pet Care has now been opened because of the high interest of animal owners. For the implementation of student co-assistance for Veterinary Professional Education (VPE) it took place in Sobangan, UPT, District Agriculture Service and at RPH Mambal. We also thank FVM Udayana University for the assistance of a captive bolt stunner for the abattoir. For community service activities, we will continue the vaccination program and animal health checks on the feast of sacrifice," he said.

Efforts to realize the Sobangan Livestock Center as a Bali cattle breeding center and a vehicle for education, must have added value and have higher standards than other farms in Bali. Currently, the cattle population is 341 heads, and some are unproductive, and the cattle placement is irregular. “We want to realize the Center of Excellence at the Sobangan Center as a nursery and education center. For this reason, we have made arrangements, starting from the arrangement of recording cows, rejuvenating the cows, arranging the cowshed, and expanding feed sources by planting forage for livestock," said Head of Livestock Services, Alit Mahuni.

Complementing the explanation from the Head of the Agricultural Service, the Young Expert for Supervising Livestock Breeds, Nyoman Oka Widiarta, said that there should be lecturer research directed at conducting research on Bali cattle to Sobangan, to produce innovative products that are applicable with the service.

It is known that the cooperation program brought by FVM Udayana University is summarized in the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely Education, Research and Service. On this visit, Dean Suartha invited 5 team members including Vice Dean for Academic and Planning I Gusti Ngurah Sudisma, Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Information I Wayan Sudira, Vice Dean for General and Finance Sri Surya Heryani, Head of the Teaching Farm Unit Sobangan Bagus Tri Laksana, and Head of Ad hoc Cooperation Made Merdana.

Dean in this gathering, Prof. Suartha expressed his gratitude and permission to continue the mutually beneficial collaboration. Responding to the work program presented by the office, Prof. Suartha said he was happy and welcomed, he would immediately make conditions with the Vice Deans, lecturers and related parties on campus to harmonize work programs. "Realizing the Center of Excellence at the Sobangan Center is a shared pride, and in line with the flagship program of FVM Udayana University, we will assist in certification with the Bali Cattle Study Center (BCSC) Udayana University. The Sobangan Center has also supported our achievements in AUN's international level accreditation. Regarding livestock rejuvenation and cage arrangement, we will assign the head of the teaching farm to develop SOPs and expert opinions so that only quality broods are maintained. As for the idea of building a veterinary clinic, we offer cooperation to build an international standard veterinary hospital, and we are ready to land on the Bukit Jimbaran Campus,” said Dean Suartha.

"To realize mutually beneficial cooperation, cooperation must be alive, have activities, have benefits and be sustainable. Regarding the core education, research and service, FVM Udayana University has revitalized the curriculum and will implement Project Base Learning and Case Base Learning. An example of this application at the Sobangan Nursery Center, students will be able to learn about cases and project completions in the field, while the department will get valid cattle recording data, data on cows that meet the parent criteria and those that are rejected," said Vice Dean Sudisma.

Meanwhile, Vice Dean Wayan Sudira, in this ongoing collaboration, revealed that he would explore the continuation of the CA so that it is well documented, recorded, and measurable that this collaboration is truly sustainable and provides benefits for both parties. In addition, this documentation is important in the future for campus accreditation and for evaluation of collaboration.