Preparation for Future Development, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University Holds 2022 Student Budget Coordination

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University coordinates the budget for student activities to comply with applicable regulations. The activity took place in the Meeting Room of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University (26/01). The activity was attended by the Vice Dean III of FVM UNUD, Sub-Coordinator for Student Affairs of FVM UNUD, as well as the Chair of the Student Senate and Student Activity Unit in FVM UNUD.

The stationary/printing budget in the future will be diverted to other things deemed necessary. Regarding printing, it can directly contact the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University  student affair. Print costs that contain questionnaires, data entry and short of it can start to using google forms. The transportation budget for student activities can be also coordinated with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University student affair, so that the transportation used in the future is transportation services in collaboration with the Udayana University.

The implementation time of student activities must be scheduled with certainty so that it can be monitored in completing the administration of correspondence. It is hoped that the chair of the senate and the student activity Unit will collect the names of the chairpersons and public relations, the names of public relations will be included in the decree of the FVM Udayana University information team. It is hoped that in the future all Student activity unit activities must go through student affairs first and then can be recommended to the Vice Dean III.   

Regarding the Student Creativity Program (PKM) students who have participated in TOT activities, proposal training, proposal guidance, proposal making, so that the final result is expected to produce quality PKM proposals and be able to compete at national and international levels.

Author: R