FKH UNUD Revitalizes Curriculum to Anticipate Global One Health Issues Collaborates with AFKHI and FAO

Tuesday, 18 January 2022


To anticipate the development of three global issues, one health, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University (FKH Unud) held a Curriculum Revitalization Workshop in collaboration with the Association of Indonesian Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (AFKHI) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), on Tuesday (18/1/2022). The workshop activity took place in a hybrid manner and was opened by the Dean of FKH Prof. Dr. drh. Nyoman Suartha, M.Si. Offline points with strict health protocols are located in the Seminar Room 1st Floor FKH Sudirman Campus, and online via Webex.


Through revitalization of the curriculum the concept of the one health approach will be integrated into the lesson plan. The first three global issues are the prevention of zoonotic diseases, Emerging diseases (EID) and Re-Emerging diseases (REIDs). The second issue is the threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR or antimicrobial resistance) and the third is about Poultry Health (poultry health).


Prof. Suartha in his speech said “The culture of quality must be maintained to produce graduates who can compete and are ready for the world of work. Learning materials must always be updated to improve the quality of graduates.


"In accordance with current global health developments and future predictions, that the emergence of new disease cases that are zoonotic, the emergence of the threat of antimicrobial resistance, which is closely related to poultry management, it is necessary to instill early and sustainable in students, and implement it in the learning curriculum. "Said Suartha.


Also giving a speech from FAO Indonesia, represented by Gozali. "The global health security program, cooperation between FAO Indonesia and the Director General of PKH encourage AFKHI to enrich the curriculum of each FKH in Indonesia by revitalizing the curriculum according to the times," said Gozali.


In order to smooth the integration process of the one health concept into veterinary learning, two experts were presented as resource persons in this workshop. The first speaker was Prof. Ir. I Made Supartha Utama, M.S., Ph.D. from the Institute for Learning Development and Quality Assurance (LP3M) Udayana University moderated by drh. Tri Komala Sari, M.S., Ph.D. Curriculum Revitalization Material: Preparation of Higher Education Curriculum in the Industrial Era 4.0 to Support Independent Learning-Independent Campuses.


Supartha revealed that Permendikbud No. 3 of 2020 as a reference for implementing and evaluating the curriculum. Learning Outcomes Graduates must comply with the SKKNI that has set standards. The changes that exist must be implemented into the learning curriculum, so that in the future students are ready when they enter the community or in the world of work. He further stated, “There needs to be a relaxation of the curriculum and it is proven that interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary science leads to complex problem solving (problem solving) based on case based learning. So that curriculum changes can create special abilities that can answer changes and problems that occur," said Supartha.


The second speaker presented Dr. drh. Hapsari Mahatmi, MP who is also an expert on One Health from Udayana University moderated by drh. Kadek Karang Agustina. Very interesting material was presented, namely the Integration of the One Health Concept in the Unud FKH curriculum in Efforts to Prevent Zoonoses, AMR, EIDs and ReEIDs. Currently, there are many incidents of irregularities in the use of drugs and especially antibiotics, both by professionals and the general public. The existence of dependence between animal health, humans and the environmentc requires professional staff (one of which is a veterinarian) to collaborate with professionals from other professions for prevention, eradication of disease, and ecosystem health that have an impact on socio-economics.


“To create One world, one health. It requires a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach both locally, nationally and globally. Where the current focus of One Health is on zoonoses, EIDs, AMR-AMU, and poultry health," said Mahatmi.


Online through Webex this workshop was attended by representatives from the Director of Animal Health, Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia; Representative of FAO Indonesia; Head of the Department of Agriculture and Food Security of the Province of Bali; Head of the Department of Agriculture and Food of Badung Regency; Head of Denpasar City Agriculture Office; Head of Denpasar Veterinary Center; Head of Denpasar Class I Agricultural Quarantine Center; Head of Bali Cattle Breeding Center; Head of Bali Agricultural Technology Study Center; Head of PB PDHI; Head of PDHI Bali Branch; PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Bali Branch; PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Bali Branch; FKH Unud Alumni; Coordinators of Unud's FKH Courses; Unud FKH Lecturer; student representatives: BEM FKH Unud; Chairman of the DPM FKH Unud; General Leader of LPM Suara Satwa FKH Unud.


“As is known, global issues continue to develop, which are challenges and opportunities for FKH Unud. On this auspicious occasion, we thank FAO for their financial assistance, as well as support from AFKHI and the Director General of PKH, hopefully this collaboration will continue and FKH Unud will advance," Suartha hoped, Tuesday (18/1/2022), at Denpasar. (MM).