Socialization and Promotion of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Udayana University which will be held on Friday, December 10, 2021, at 10:00 -12:00 WITA at the Hall of SMK 1 Bangli and SMA Negeri 1 Tembuku. This activity was carried out offline by implementing the Covid-19 health protocol. From the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences who participated in the implementation of this Socialization and Promotion activity, among others: Dean, Deputy Dean 2, Deputy Dean 3, Study Program Coordinators within the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and Administrative staff.

In his remarks, the Dean and Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences explained in general about the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Udayana University and the Study Program as well as the outputs obtained after studying in Higher Education, especially at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Udayana University.

This outreach and promotion activity was attended by 20 people per class in each school. Besides the presentations from the Deans, the Study Program Coordinators also presented the advantages of each study program. After the presentation, there was a question and answer session. It turned out that grade 12 students were very enthusiastic about participating in the explanations and explanations of each study program with the many questions they asked. One of their questions was how technical or process they were to be able to register at Udayana University, and regarding the Communication Studies study program they asked how we can communicate well.

The socialization and promotion activities were closed by the Dean and Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Equipment by handing over souvenirs in the form of placards to the Principal of SMK 1 Bangli and SMA Negeri 1 Tembuku. And he really hopes that students can continue their studies at Udayana University, especially at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.