As a real effort to develop knowledge and agricultural land, Tumpek Wariga is routinely implemented at KPFP

Saturday, (2/2/2024). The entire academic community of the Faculty of Agriculture (FP Unud) again held the Tumpek Wariga ceremony at the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University (KPFP Unud), located at Jl. Moyo Island No.16X, Pedungan, South Denpasar, Denpasar City, Bali. Not only lecturers, staff and students also enliven the Tumpek Wariga celebration which is celebrated every six months on Saniscara (Saturday) kliwon wuku wariga.

In summary, the Tumpek Wariga celebration is held as a form of respect for plants which are the source of life and prayer so that plants can bear abundant fruit, flower and have quality results. This moment is also often known as Tumpek Pengatag, Tumpek Uduh, or Tumpek Bubuh. Not only that, this ceremony is symbolic in welcoming the 25 days leading up to the Galungan holiday.

The ceremony was also attended by KPFP production coordinator, Ir. I Gusti Alit Gunadi, M.S. The water technology lecturer explained that collective prayer is the main sequence, where there is one interesting specific step that can be explained academically.

“There is a process that can be explained academically and usually the plants are knocked. What does that mean? "So the meaning is to stress the plant so that its generative phase is stimulated so that it becomes a flower," he explained.

Not only praying together, later treatment activities will also be carried out on the plants and asking the plants to bear fruit soon. This means that we are required to maintain plants to produce value to provide food for society.

The man who is also still actively teaching as an Agroecotechnology Lecturer said that apart from being one of the facilities owned by FP. The experimental garden was chosen as the location for the Tumpek Wariga ceremony because it is in this garden that the plants managed by the faculty are concentrated.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Ketut Budi Susrusa, M.S. as the head of the KPFP management also gave his response, saying that there are many programs that can be developed and implemented in the garden to facilitate students in the field of plant cultivation using greenhouse technology.

In its development, the Faculty of Agriculture plans to develop various programs including hydroponic training and plant clinics for the general public. "Then it will also be developed, so that KPFP can be accessed by elementary school (SD) children to introduce how to cultivate agriculture. "Because children in urban areas rarely have direct contact with how to produce food crops," said the lecturer in the Agribusiness study program.

It is hoped that the implementation of the Tumpek Wariga ceremony at KPFP will be a real effort to develop knowledge and use of agricultural land. "So there is a feeling of gratitude there, from that feeling of gratitude how we continue to love agriculture. "Then we say thank you, asking that when needed the plant can produce according to expectations," concluded Prof. Budi Susrusa.