Release of Prospective Students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNUD December 2021

December 7, 2021, The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University held a Hybrid Online Release of prospective graduates (yudisium) period December 2021.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Prospective Graduates was held in the Meeting Room of the  FMIPA Building which was attended online by almost all graduates and attended offline by the Dean, Vice Dean, representatives of the Study Programs, the best graduates, parents, and one representative of students from each study program. The faculty of MIPA regularly held this activity before the Udayana University Graduation with aim to determine the graduate college students of FMIPA Udayana University for each graduation period.

The Speech of he Dean of FMIPA Unud, Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc., Ph. D. said "Congratulations to FMIPA Unud students who will be graduated. Hopefully, it will be the pride for all the graduates, family, and all of the Indonesian people. The Dean thanked the parents who had trusted their children to be educated at the FMIPA, Udayana University". In the speech of the Chief Executive, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Drs, I GK. Gandhiadi, MT. said that the number of graduates in this period was 37 prospective graduates, consisting of 1 from the Chemistry Study Program, 7 from the physics Study program, 5 from The Biology Study Program, 8 from The Mathematics Study Program, 16 from Informatics Study Programs. In this period The best graduate goes to I Putu Wahyu Pranata Kusuma Jaya from the Physics Study Program, FMIPA Unud.

The activity was closed by displaying prospective graduates on the Webex screen.