The Peak Celebration of World Cancer Day 2024

The Peak Celebration of World Cancer Day 2024

The highlight of the World Cancer Day Celebration 2024 is a series of activities held with the aim of celebrating World Cancer Day on February 4 every year. World Cancer Day Celebration 2024 carries the theme "Becoming a Pioneer Against Cancer: Caring and Building a Healthy Life Together" which is a manifestation of the vision and mission of Kompak FK Unud.

This year's peak activity was carried out by carrying out a social campaign targeting the general public around Denpasar's Renon Square and Kompak Charity targeting West Lombok Halfway House, Central Lombok Halfway House and North Lombok Halfway House.

The highlight of the World Cancer Day Celebration 2024 event was held in the meeting room of dr. A. A. Made Djelantik, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University and attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes who also opened this activity.

In his speech, Prof. Januartha expressed his appreciation and thanks to the committee who have worked hard to prepare a series of WCDC 2024 activities to commemorate World Cancer Day.

"Through a preventive and promotive approach, Kompak FK Unud can be a pioneer in providing understanding to the public about the importance of preventing cancer through a healthy lifestyle in accordance with the meaning of this year's WCDC theme, namely being a pioneer agent in fighting cancer and the entire series of WCDC activities this year have been successful implement the theme raised," he said.

Also present at this event were representatives of Kompak Pembina, Dr. Ni Gusti Ayu Agung Manik Yuniawaty Wetan, Sp.B(K) Onk, representatives from BEM FK Unud, representatives from all LMFK, HM, and BSO within the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Young Members and Core Members of the FK Unud Compact, along with the committee members World Cancer Day Celebration 2024.