Udayana University CIMSA General Assembly 2024

Udayana University CIMSA General Assembly 2024

Every year, each organization will accept new members and also cadre formation. Likewise, the Center for Medical Students' Activities (CIMSA) at Udayana University has just held a General Assembly agenda. This time the General Assembly was held to approve new members, namely students from the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University who have completed their cadre formation period.

General Assembly activities will be held online on Wednesday, January 7 2024. This event was attended by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, FK Unud, Prof. Dr. I Md. Ady Wirawan, MPH., Ph.D., who also opened the event symbolically with three rounds of applause.

Also attending this event were the Trustees of CIMSA Unud, Dr. Made Satria Yudha Dewangga, M. Biomed, Sp. JP. K.Ped.P.J.B (K), FIHA, FASCC, Chair of CIMSA Unud, Christine Natalia, Chair of BEM FK Unud, Bonifasius Alvianto Satria Pamungkas, as well as all prospective members, members and administrators of CIMSA Unud.