FMIPA and Aqua Agree to Continue Development of Biodiversity and Education

Denpasar, Bali – The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Udayana University (Unud) and PT Tirta Investama (Aqua) Mambal Factory conducted a follow-up discussion on their collaboration on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, at the FMIPA Postgraduate Building, Unud Sudirman Campus. This meeting detailedly discussed the plans for implementing their collaboration agreement for the year 2024.

The discussion was attended by Ida Ayu Eka Pertiwi Sari, CSR Coordinator for Aqua Mambal; Dra. Luh Putu Eswaryanti Kusuma Yuni, M.Sc., Ph.D., Head of the FMIPA Unud Cooperation Unit; and I Made Saka Wijaya, S.Si., M.Sc., the implementing PIC from the Biology Study Program of FMIPA Unud. Their presence marked a joint commitment to continue and expand the positive impacts of this collaboration.

As known, 2024 marks the third year of collaboration between FMIPA Unud and Aqua, which has produced various sustainable and educational initiatives. One of the main activities that will continue is the routine monitoring of terrestrial flora and fauna biodiversity in the Traditional Village of Karang Dalem Tua, Bongkasa Pertiwi, and Banjar Jempanang, Biloksidan Village, Petang, Badung, Bali. This activity not only aids in the conservation of biodiversity but also supports the local communities.

Furthermore, the Traditional Village of Karang Dalem Tua will take further steps to become a Bird-Friendly Traditional Village, with preparations for the release of the Bali Starling through an adoption system. In Banjar Jempanang, the focus will be on the development of agroforestry plants to increase coffee plant productivity, demonstrating efforts in diversification and local economic empowerment.

The discussion also raised the possibility of making both CSR locations of Aqua Mambal target villages for the MBKM Village Development program for FMIPA Unud, expanding the impact on education and sustainable development. Since the beginning of this collaboration agreement in 2021, various significant outputs have been produced, such as scientific publications, student theses, presentations at international scientific forums, books, and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), affirming this collaboration's contribution to scientific knowledge and community development.

The collaboration between FMIPA Unud and Aqua continues to demonstrate how the synergy between educational institutions and industry can bring real benefits to environmental preservation, education, and local community empowerment.