SPI Audit Entry Meeting at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University: A Step Towards Accountability and Integrity"

On Wednesday, January 31, 2024, at 10:00 AM WITA, the SPI audit activity took place in the Meeting Room on the fourth floor of the Dean's Office building at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Bukit Campus, Jimbaran. The event began with an Entry Meeting attended by the Dean, Vice Deans, the SPI Audit Team, and Sub-Coordinators. The attendance list and meeting minutes were duly recorded. The meeting proceeded smoothly, addressing various aspects that would be the focus of the SPI audit.

Thus far, several financial audits have been successfully conducted online. If any improvements are required during the audit process, the SPI team will promptly contact and confirm with the relevant units. However, manual audits are still necessary for the areas of Human Resources (SDM), National Asset Management (BMN), Research, and Community Service (Penelitian and Pengabdian). During the SPI team's visits or within 14 days after their visits, if any discrepancies with applicable standards are identified during the audit review or evaluation of activity implementation, it is expected that these issues can be resolved.

With the conclusion of this meeting, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Udayana University, reaffirms its commitment to undergo the audit process with the utmost diligence, ensuring that the organization's activities comply with established rules and standards. All parties present contribute to maintaining transparency and accountability throughout this audit process. This is a crucial step in upholding the integrity and quality of the various activities carried out by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, benefiting both the community and other stakeholders.