FMIPA Senate develops strategy to advance Higher Education with Academic Innovation

Denpasar, Bali – In steps to realizing world-class higher education, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Udayana University recently held a senate meeting to discuss innovative educational and research initiatives. The meeting which took place on January 30 2024 marked a leap for FMIPA in its efforts to adapt to the demands of modern science and the needs of a dynamic job market.

26 members of the FMIPA senate were present to discuss a series of agendas which were expected to bring transformation to education and research at FMIPA. Chairman of the FMIPA Senate, Prof. I Made Agus Gelgel Wirasuta is proud to announce the approval of promotions for a large number of lecturers, confirming the university's commitment to the recognition and development of academic professionalism. Furthermore, approval for the establishment of a master's program in Pharmacy and Informatics is seen as a progressive step in developing a relevant and comprehensive curriculum. Apart from that, the FMIPA senate also highlighted the proposal to open a Bachelor's Program in Environmental Science, which is seen as a solution to the global issue of sustainability.

Turning to the field of improving the quality of learning, the FMIPA senate considers it necessary to make changes to the research-oriented Biology Master's curriculum. Where this is seen as being able to increase the attractiveness of prospective students and also the development of research that has the potential to be downstream from industry. This entire agenda certainly reflects FMIPA's dedication and commitment in strengthening the foundations of research, innovation and fast and efficient response to academic opportunities as stated by Prof. Budiarsa Suyasa.

With the decisions taken and the resulting conclusions, FMIPA UNUD confirms its readiness to continue to adapt, develop and innovate in responding to the challenges of a very dynamic era.

Before the meeting ended, Gelgel reiterated several important notes taken from this meeting, including strategies for fulfilling resources that must be prepared to answer the need for establishing undergraduate programs in environmental science, master's degree in informatics, and master's degree in pharmacy. The meeting ended with a clear vision and defined actions to realize these initiatives. The signatures of the Chairman of the Senate, I Made Agus Gelgel Wirasuta, and the Secretary of the Senate, Cokorda Rai Adi Pramartha, not only closed the meeting session but also opened a new page in the history of FMIPA Udayana University as one of the pioneers of educational and research innovation in Bali.