Udayana University Mechanical Engineering Study Program Hands Over Hydram Pumps to Increase Clean Water Supply in Pelaga Village

The Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University has carried out the handover of Hydram Pump products in the context of service to the community of Pelaga Village, Petang District, Badung Regency on Sunday, January 28 2024. This event is part of the Faculty of Engineering's efforts to implement sustainable technology to improve quality of life of rural communities.

The Hydram pump that was handed over was the result of collaboration between lecturers and students of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. This pump is specifically designed to utilize river water energy as a natural resource which is abundantly available in Pelaga Village. With a simple but effective working principle, the Hydram Pump can increase the supply of clean water with low operational costs and minimal maintenance.

The main objective of this service is to increase the Pelaga Village community's access to quality clean water. Previously, the problem of clean water supply had been one of the main challenges faced by the residents of Pelaga Village. With the presence of the Hydram Pump, it is hoped that it can simplify the process of collecting clean water and reduce dependence on water sources that are vulnerable to pollution.

The handover ceremony was attended by representatives from the Udayana University Mechanical Engineering Study Program, village government, community leaders, and residents of Pelaga Village. In his speech, representatives of the Engineering Study Program lecturers expressed their hope that the Hydram Pump could be utilized optimally by the local community and become a sustainable solution in meeting clean water needs.

With the implementation of the Hydram Pump, it is hoped that it can have a significant positive impact in improving the quality of life and welfare of the people of Pelaga Village. Udayana University is committed to continuing to play an active role in making real contributions to the development of rural communities through innovation and community service.