On January 12’th 2024, through the Community Service work program Student Executive Board Society (BEM) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) Udayana University (UNUD) holds Kuliah Kerja Veteriner (KKV) XXXVI which was officially opened by the Dean of Veterinary Medicine Faculty, Udayana University, Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si. This activity held "Bhimantara Abhipraya Gana Siddhi” as the theme. This activity was held at Tiga Village, Susut District, Bangli Regency, Bali.
The aim of carrying out KKV is to introduce job prospects as a veterinarian and also train people on how to communicate well with the community. Other than that, this activity allows the participant to explore the potential of existing villages so that they can be developed even better by writing ideas for proposals for the Student Creativity Program (PKM) by KKV XXXVI participants that also can be the output from the activity. KKV XXXVI will be held for 3 days 2 nights on January 12 - January 14 2024.
The first day of KKV XXXVI began with the departure of participants from the FKH Jimbaran Deanery to the activity location, followed by an opening containing an activity report by Bendesa Dwi Kartika Ganggeswara as Chair of the KKV XXXVI activity committee and continued with remarks by Alvin Limanto as Chair of BEM, Mr. Sudirpa as Bendesa Adat Gebog Satak, Mr. I Putu Merta Utama, S.E as Perbekel Desa Tiga, drh. Agung Kartika Dewi as Representative of the Head of the Bangli Agricultural Service, and Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si as Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University.
"Based on the information obtained, one of the KKV activities is the activity of collecting data on cattle and dogs which may be related to the outbreak of rabies cases. We hope that this activity can be a reference for future activities, and we hope that students can coordinate
with the community here and hopefully this KKV can be useful for all of us," said Mrs. Drh. Agung Kartika Dewi as Representative of the Head of the Bangli Agricultural Service.
"This is the arena for students as veterinarians, and veterinarians cannot always be in the city because the livestock are in the village. Perhaps the results of your students' activities can be used by Mr. Perbekel so that your students' innovations can be developed in Desa Tiga," said Prof.
Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si as Dean of Veterinary Medicine Faculty, Udayana University in his speech which also officially opened the KKV XXXVI event.
The activity continued with a presentation about the Profile of Tiga Village, then livestock visits to 9 sub-village in Tiga Village, including: Br. Tiga, Penglumbaran Kangin, Pukuh, Buungan, Temaga, Linjong, Kayuambua, Malet Tengah and Malet Kutamesir, then the activities on the first day ended with a PKM discussion with the supervisor and co-coast assistant.
The second day on Saturday, January 13 2024, KKV XXXVI activities began with morning exercise, then continued with break time, then some preparations for animal data collection and village exploration. Animal data collection and village exploration activities are carried out for approximately 3 hours starting from 07.35 - 10.35 WITA, during this activity students will record village potential, main jobs, and also record the animals in each resident's house, both livestock and pet. The areas where animal data collection and village exploration is carried out include: Br. Tiga, Penglumbaran Kangin, Pukuh, Buungan, Linjong, Malet Tengah, Malet Kutamesir, Temaga, and Kayuambua.
During animal data collection and village exploration activities, students visited each resident's house which had been distributed per region according to their respective clusters. During data collection, students conducted interviews with residents with the aim of helping collect data on residents which would later be used in making PKM as the final assignment for KKV XXXVI activities later.
"For the jobs that dominate in Tiga Village, most of the residents work as traders, livestock breeders and farmers. Because the climate is suitable for this area, it is very supportive for this work. As for livestock itself, the majority here still keep pigs and hens," said Ni Made Arta, a resident of Banjar Malet Kutamesir, Tiga Village, Bangli.
After collecting data, students will summarize the data obtained through interviews with each resident previously. Around 11.00 a.m, students returned to the wantilan in Tiga Village, Bangli. The activity continues with break time after all groups arrive at the wantilan then followed by the participants to prepare themselves to take part in the outbound activity.
At 13.00 p.m, participants were directed to some post of the outbound activity. Participants are required to carry out group reports and chants before being allowed to take part in the game. The games that are involved include covering golden balls, water towers, animal farm, floury simon, flour relay, and charades. Apart from giving fun memories to the participants, this activity is believed to increase teamwork in each group.
After outbound activity, the participants are directed to do some break time until 19.00p.m. Not long after, they were directed to prepare for their performances equipment, because the next activity after break time was continued with MAKRAB (Family Night).
"This activity has been good from year to year and has been carried out in a structured manner, all activities carried out from livestock visits and exploration of village potential have been carried out well, the results will be evaluated and the results for the next activity, namely KERSOS," said Dr. drh I Wayan Sudira, M. Si as Deputy Dean 3 of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, which was continued with the symbolic opening of the evening of familiarity, namely the lighting of the bonfire.
The impression of the message from Drh. I Wayan Masa Tenaya, M. Phil, Ph. D, as the representative of the Supervisor, was surprised by the readiness of the committee in all the series which had been carried out well from the first day until the evening of the familiarity. "Don't forget to give canang, maintain cleanliness, don't leave the location dirty so that it gives a bad impression." he said as his closing sentence.
Before starting the next series, the impression of the message from the committee was, "Very tired and I hope that the data collection can be useful for the participants and the village. "Hopefully next year's KKV can be smoother in coordination." said Gede Bagus Chandra Prasetya W, and from the first participant, "It was fun during the games, the support
from friends from the group, and the feeling of being more tired than the previous activity. Thank you to the committee, and encouragement to friends for the last day." said Syaputra Tinambunan, and the second participant, "Very tired and tiring, lots of studying the rules correctly and on time. Thank you to the committee members for always taking care of the participants. The message is, hopefully the next day can go even better." said Sabariah.
After the greetings and impressions of the message were delivered, the evening of familiarity continued with the performance of art performances from each participant group that had been prepared. The performance of the art performances varied greatly, according to the creativity of their respective groups, which was certain to be a very entertaining art performance. The friendly evening ended with the announcement of the winners including, best male, best female, 3rd place in the arts performance, 2nd place in the arts performance, 1st place in the arts performance, and the best group presented by the MC. Then, after the evening of familiarity was over, participants were directed to return to their respective tents to rest and sleep for the night.
The third day on Sunday, January 14 2024, began with morning exercises, then continued with preparations for the participants to go home, mutual cooperation, and the closing ceremony of the KKV XXXVI Faculty of Veterinary Medicine activities, Udayana University. The closing ceremony began with a report by Bendesa Dwi Kartika Ganggeswara as Chair of the KKV XXXVI activity committee.
"Perhaps from the results of the village's potential, all of you can start to have ideas and have work concepts that you can then put into the Student Creativity Program (PKM) which will also serve as output from this KKV activity," said Bendesa Dwi Kartika Ganggeswara during the agenda for the report of the Chairman of the XXXVI KKV Committee.
The report is based on data from participants who have been recapitulated, the total number of animals in Tiga Village includes 436 cows, 273 dogs, 2,749 pigs, and 359,925 chickens. The data on village potential results is that the majority of people's jobs in Village Three are breeders, traders and also farmers.
Next, the closing ceremony agenda continued with remarks from Alvin Limanto as Chair of BEM, Mr. I Putu Merta Utama, S.E as Perbekel of Tiga Traditional Village, Mr. Sudirpa as Head of Gebog Satak Traditional Village, and Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si as Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University.
"I did not know how to show my gratitude to Udayana University, especially the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine for holding the KKV in Desa Tiga. Of course, this activity is very useful for us, especially for the village, because for our village profile we also need data in the livestock sector. The results of this activity can later be made into a book. Please send it to the village office as our reference for implementing the APBDes in the following year, especially in the livestock sector," said Mr. I Putu Merta Utama, S.E as Perbekel Adat Tiga Village during his speech at the closing ceremony.
"I hope that the students yesterday saw the potential of Desa Tiga, with the help of the supervising lecturer, they will develop their creativity program or the supervising lecturer can make a proposal program on how they can do community service in Desa Tiga. This is one form of how we can contribute to the village," said Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si as Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University during his speech at the closing ceremony.
The next and final agenda of the closing ceremony is the symbolic closing of KKV XXXVI activities by taking off the name tag of the participants. After the closing ceremony, documentation and group photos were made. The agenda ended with a trip back to the Campus Building of Veterinary Medicine Faculty, Jimbaran before the participants were sent home.