Dauh Marga Dauh Puri Village "Applies" as a Village Assisted by FP Unud

The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Agriculture (BEM FP Unud) for the fourth time held Agricamp in Marga Dauh Village, Tabanan Regency. The Head of Marga Dauh Puri Village, I Wayan Wiryanata, expressed his gratitude for the presence of the FP Unud academic community. "We hope that Marga Dauh Puri Village can be designated as a village assisted by the Faculty of Agriculture," said Village Head I Wayan Wiryanata, when giving a welcome speech to the Faculty of Agriculture's community service activities in the 2024 Agricamp series, Tuesday (24/01/2024).

Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Unud Dr. IGN Alit Susanta Wirya, SP., M.Agr welcomed the "application". The plant disease expert stated that technically Marga Dauh Puri Village is worthy of being a target village because this village is very friendly and supports the implementation of the Tri Darma activities of FP Unud Higher Education. "It is proven that Agricamp has been carried out for the fourth time here, besides being relatively affordable from the Unud campus," said Dr. Alit Susanta. It was emphasized that every year the FP Unud academic community carries out community service. In 2023, he continued, FP Unud will release the tail of the tyto alba (owl) to help farmers deal with rat pests.

Village Head I Wayan Wiryanata emphasized that the owls donated by the FP Unud academic community were very effective in dealing with rat pests. "Rat attacks have decreased drastically now, it has been proven that the impact of damage to rice plants is not as severe as rat pests like several years ago," he said. He added that apart from pests and plant diseases, problems in the agricultural sector arise from socio-economic aspects such as a decrease in fertilizer subsidies, subak institutions, and damage to irrigation lines.

Village Head I Wayan Wiryanata explained that currently the government is cutting subsidized fertilizer allocations by up to 52%. This condition is not commensurate with the hope of maintaining food security. The minimal amount of fertilizer provided, he continued, resulted in reduced land productivity. "Currently farmers only get 1 Kg of Urea Fertilizer/are and 0.7 Kg of NPK Fertilizer/are. This is very minimal for farmers' needs," he said. He added that Subak as an institution that accommodates farmers is currently in a very weak position. Previously, said Village Head I Wayan Wiryanata, Subak received Bali Province Special Financial Assistance (BKK) funds of Rp. 50 million, but now only Rp. 10 million. "This condition clearly weakens Subak's position," he said. Another problem is related to the changing distribution of water, previously using the tektek system, but currently the temuku building (distribution of water using the tektek system) has been removed. This condition causes damage to irrigation channels, many irrigation channels are eroded so that the distribution of irrigation water is unstable.

This community service activity included a lecture on handling plant pests and diseases by a young lecturer from the Agroecotechnology Study Program I Kadek Wisma Yuda, S.P., M.P and Professor of FP Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Ketut Suamba, MP regarding Subak management. I Kadek Wisma Yuda, MP explained techniques for dealing with plant pests and diseases, especially rice. Meanwhile Prof. Ketut Suamba believes that although there is a tendency for Subak to be weakened, Subak will still exist. "Institutional engineering needs to be carried out, such as forming a farmer's cooperative to support subak activities. Subak business units must be formed so that subak has income so that subak does not depend on assistance from the government or third parties. This service activity was attended by farmers from Subak Sidang Rapuh, Marga Dauh Puri Village and also attended by community groups lecturers and students of FP Unud. (*)