Malware analysis, Text Classification, and Latex in Informatics International Workshop

Monday 8 January 2024, located in the FMIPA Computer Laboratory Room on the 3rd floor, the Informatics Study Program held an Informtics International Workshop by presenting 3 speakers from the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya.

In his speech, Chairman of the Committee Agus Muliantara, S.Kom, M.Kom expressed his thanks and welcome to the Dean of FMIPA Prof. Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc, P.hD, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning Dr. Agus Sanjaya ER, S.Kom, M.Kom who was present at the invitation, as well as the resource persons, Mr. Dr. Baskoro Adi Pratomo, Mr. Hudan Studiawan, Ph.D, and Mrs. Ratih Nur Esti Anggraini, Ph.D, and also the workshop participants who were present at this Informatics International Workshop. Agus said that this workshop was held in a hybrid manner with participants consisting of 2 Japanese, 4 Filipinos, 1 UK, 6 Malaysians, and 89 people from Informatics FMIPA UNUD.

Dean of FMIPA Udayana University, Prof. Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc, P.hD expressed her welcome and thanks to the resource persons who were willing to come and spend their time sharing knowledge with FMIPA students in particular and the community in general. Watiniasih believes that the resource persons presented are very competent sources in their fields. It is hoped that this Informatics International Workshop can increase students' knowledge of Informatics, where new things that may not have been conveyed in lectures can be better understood in activities like today. Watiniasih did not forget to express her thanks to the entire team who had worked hard in carrying out this international workshop activity.

After the welcoming speech and opening by the Dean of FMIPA, the Informatics International Workshop continued with the following materials:

1. Malware Analysis using static and dynamic analysis by Dr. Baskoro Adi Pratomo

2. Writing Academic paper using Latex by Hudan Studiawan, Ph.D

3. Text Classification using python by Mrs. Ratih Nur Esti Anggraini, Ph.D

During the 3 hours of the workshop, the resource persons were bombarded with various questions from the participants. Both local Udayana participants and participants from outside Udayana attended in a hybrid manner.

Before ending, the workshop was also filled with sharing sessions from student assistants Angela Oryza Prabowo, Nur Muhammad Ainul Yaqin, and Mohammad Fadhil Rasyidin Parinduri who were deliberately invited by the resource persons to help participants practice directly. The assistant, consisting of 3 7th semester students from ITS, explained the topic of the final assignment which is currently being worked on.

The workshop event ended at 16.30, marked by the presentation of resource certificates to the speakers and a group photo session.

Presentation materials can be downloaded at the following link below

The recording session can be watched on the following YouTube link: