Increase capacity and contribution to village development and student businesses, FMIPA collaborates with the Student Affairs Bureau to hold socialization for PPK Ormawa and P2MW

Jimbaran Tuesday, January 16 2024, Building Student Capacity for Village Development and Student Business, FMIPA collaborates with the Udayana University Student Affairs Bureau through the PPK Ormawa and P2MW Udayana University teams to hold outreach on the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) and the Student Business Development Program (P2MW) . The event, which was held at the Computer LAB on the 3rd Floor of the FMIPA Dean's Building, was opened by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Prof. Ni Nyoman Rupiasih, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D. who is in charge of student affairs at FMIPA.

Apart from the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, this activity was also attended by the Ormawa PPK Team and Udayana University P2MW, Ormawa PPK and P2MW FMIPA Supervisory Lecturers, FMIPA TU Coordinator, FMIPA Student Affairs Sub-Coordinator and FMIPA Student Institution Representatives consisting of the Student Representative Council (DPM ), Student Executive Body (BEM), Student Association (HIMA), and Semi-Autonomous Body (BSO).

This socialization discusses the importance of PPK Ormawa as a program that focuses on increasing student capacity in writing proposals. This program facilitates student activities at the faculty level, with a focus on village development. PPK Ormawa proposals that pass the selection will receive funding of IDR 40,000,000 from the ministry and 10% from Udayana University.

In its implementation, PPK Ormawa involves students for 4 months in villages or research sites. This program has been reconditioned with 20 credits to ensure students can participate in these activities optimally.

Apart from that, the Student Business Development Program (P2MW) was also socialized, which is a program for students who already have a product prototype or run a business through the Belmawa Directorate. This program is also recognized for 20 credits and can be taken by students of at least semester 5 or who are already students of the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM).

The event, which started at 10.00 WIT until 12.00 WIT, highlighted several important points, including:

  1. The advantage of participating in PPK Ormawa is building capacity in writing proposals with a focus on village development.
  2. Timeline of PPK Ormawa and P2MW activities, information regarding the schedule and stages of implementation of PPK Ormawa and P2MW.
  3. Business Stages in the P2MW Program, Explanation of the process and steps for developing student businesses.
  4. Business Category in P2MW, Various types of business that can be included in this program.

Participants are also reminded that the 2024 Activity Handbook will be shared again as a basic guideline for making Activity Proposals that will be submitted for selection. This socialization ended with remarks from the Dean of Udayana University, Ni Luh Watiniasih.

With this outreach, it is hoped that Udayana University students will be more active and ready to take part in these programs to build capacity and make positive contributions to village development and student business development.