FMIPA strengthens the UPSKILL International program

Jimbaran Monday 15 January 2024, FMIPA and UPSKILL sat together to discuss development. In an important meeting, the development of international programs at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Upskill with a main focus on sports and the environment. The meeting which was held in the FMIPA meeting room was attended by the Dean of FMIPA Prof. Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc, P.hD, Deputy Dean 1 FMIPA Dr. Ngurah Agus Sanjaya, S.Kom, M.Kom, Pharmacy Study Program Coordinator Dr. Eka Indra Setiawan, S.Farm., M.Sc.Apt, KUI Representative - Dr Oka Samirana, as well as UPSKILL representatives Laura, and Rima.

The discussion began with an evaluation of international programs that were already underway, including the quality of subject material, learning methods, selection of lecturers who are competent in English (Masters abroad), schedule coordination, and a quota of 15 foreign students per program. In response, Oka Sa irana highlighted the importance of focusing proposals on a new subject, such as the newly proposed KUI program, namely "Culture Winter Camp" at a cost of 8 million/participant for 1 week.

This meeting also discussed the possibility of developing new international programs by selecting an expert program coordinator team and establishing collaboration with partners related to certain subjects, for example, pencak silat and healing. Oka further suggested that Indonesian sports could be integrated into new programs, involving partners as resource persons with written agreements.

In an effort to become a legitimate international program with Udayana, it is important to have cooperation documents. Tuition fees are 550 USD, with a 7.5% discount for short courses. Each class lasts 50 minutes, with reports that can be prepared in a structured or independent manner. In addition, there is an excursion meeting for 70 minutes, equivalent to 1 ECTS (25-30 hours), and a total of 1 credit equivalent to 150 minutes in class and 20 minutes outside of class.

Laura highlighted the importance of appointing a program coordinator to select teams for the Sport and Environment subject, according to the number of subjects per program. Watiniasih added that a one-week short course on "Sport and Healing" could be developed.

The result of this meeting is the development plan for the "Sport and Environment Short Course" which is scheduled for July 2024. The selected subject has a weight of 7.5 ECTS, and soon a program coordinator and his team will be appointed to discuss the budget and deadline. Continued coordination with Mr. Teddy Indrajaya is also a priority in working on this program, with a minimum target of 3 hours per day for each class.