Collaboration with Malaysia, FTP Unud Holds Guest Lecturer

The Faculty of Agricultural Technology has held a Guest Lecturer on January 4th  2023 which took place in the Meeting Room on the 3rd Floor of the Agrocomplex Building, Udayana University. The implementation of this Guest Lecturer is one of the collaborations carried out with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) to fulfill the output of the UNISERF (Udayana University International Senior Fellowship) grant which was won by Mr. Ir. Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam, M.P. Ph.D. along with the Team.


This activity was attended by Lecturers of the Agricultural Industrial Technology Study Program, FTP Education Laboratory Staff and Students. The resource person presented at this activity was Professor Fahrul Zaman Huyop who is a Professor in the field of Molecular Biology and Microbiology at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia with the topic presented, namely Micro-Molecular Biology for Health From the Perspective of Environmental Biotechnology.


Mr. Ir. Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam, M.P. Ph.D reported that this activity was one of the activities carried out to fulfill the implementation of the UNISERF scheme which was won. Apart from publication in a reputable international journal, he also hoped that through this activity, research would be carried out by the academic community of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, especially the Agricultural Industrial Technology Study Program. more developed in accordance with existing needs in society, he said.