Street Law "Knowing and Understanding Contracts in Daily Life" at SMAN 6 Denpasar

Author: UPIKS Team FH UNUD | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, - A group of 16 students of the FH UNUD Contract Drafting Law Clinic and several lecturers organized Street Law with the topic "Knowing and Understanding Contracts in Daily Life to students of SMAN 6 Denpasar on Wednesday (13/12/2023). The activity was received directly by the Principal of SMAN 6 Denpasar (I Ketut Suendi, S.Pd., M.Pd), several Vice Principals, teachers and 40 students. 

The street law activity began with a Pre Test on the material to be delivered by a group of students of the FH UNUD contract drafting law clinic, followed by presentation of material by students, interactive discussions and closed with a post-test. The students of SMAN 6 Denpasar were very excited to follow the street law, it can be seen from the results of the post test that they filled in, it seems that they listened and understood the material provided. The teachers also said that the material provided was very useful because they had experienced legal problems regarding the implementation of contracts for organizing art performance activities. Hopefully in the future street law activities can be carried out regularly at SMAN 6 Denpasar with a variety of topics.